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What are deal breakers? It’s important to understand them

What are deal breakers?

What are deal breakers?

Many people wonder what are relationship destroyers? These traits or issues do not excuse a person under any circumstances. While it is human to make mistakes, we all do stupid things, and there are things we regret, there are always key moments that can make or break a relationship.

Everyone has their own tolerance level. We all have a limit to forgiveness, and we all have the capacity for understanding and compassion. But when does a mistake or accident become unforgivable?

Sometimes a momentary lapse in judgement can be corrected, but other times it can destabilize a relationship and be very difficult to repair. Trust is an essential component of a relationship. Trust is the difference between forgiving someone and moving on and letting a relationship die. Once trust is shaken, it is definitely not easy to restore it.

How do you keep moving forward?

How do you know whether to let go or forgive?

How do you know it’s time to leave and never look back?

A big factor is how you found out, even though you will feel disrespected, hurt, angry and heartbroken, not to mention how painful it is to hear from them about the best solution. Even though they did something horrible and hurtful, they regret it and would not want you to find out any other way. This shows them respect because they told you, rather than keeping it a secret or waiting for you to find out.

It also means that they realize they hurt you and that they are sorry for it. Telling you can make the situation easier instead of finding any other ways that might exaggerate the problem.

When someone tells you something your significant other did, you often feel more than just sadness. You feel embarrassed and wonder who else knew and why you were the last to know.

It’s painful to feel like there are so many people lying to you besides your significant other. Your problems are made public, and comments about the future of your relationship mount.

If there is a trust issue, there will be problems

I found myself stressing There are serious trust issues In a relationship, unless you stumble upon something (not by snooping), when you are looking for something, or looking for evidence of something happening, what is in your mind becomes 100 times worse than you thought.

You almost always exaggerate the problem because deep down inside, if you are looking, it already means the trust in your relationship is gone.

How they react when they tell you or you confront them also says a lot about whether you can forgive them. It will tell you if they regret what they did, if it was a mistake, if it was well thought out, or if they regret letting you know rather than their behavior itself.

If they become defensive, it could be a sign that they refuse to believe that what they did was wrong. They may even try to justify their actions or turn the tables and blame you for their mistakes. They will usually make up a lot of excuses. This can become a web of lies that they can’t keep track of.


At this point, you try to reason with them but it becomes heated and hurtful, and you try to explain why you are hurt. They hurt you the most, but they don’t listen or apologize. Make it clear that if they don’t respect your feelings and show at least a little remorse, you should leave. You don’t deserve to be hurt and treated this way.

If your significant other apologizes and tries to understand why they hurt you, it most likely means they are sincere and what they did was indeed a mistake. Dig deeper into why it happened and how both of you felt, and even if you are deeply hurt, knowing they regret it can really make things easier. It shows that they care about you.

Deal Breakers

These are all deal breakers, but there are some behaviors that should never be considered unforgivable under any circumstances? Abuse of any kind – including physical, sexual or emotional abuse, addiction – including drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, work or pornography, extramarital affairs, poor hygiene, neglect, religious differences.

If your significant other has no desire or willingness to change, these annoying behaviors are sure to damage your relationship and are inexcusable. Some people tolerate this better than others in a relationship.

This doesn’t mean they accept the behavior. Most of these behaviors are signs of deeper issues, and if they are destructive to your relationship, you need to figure out whether they are fixable or inexcusable.

Recurring Problems

Mistakes themselves are also a big determining factor, as are lying, cheating, recurring problems, and the biggest question is do they respect you?

There is a difference between white lies and serious and hurtful lies, and lies usually become a problem only when they affect the security of the relationship. If your partner lies about what they are doing, who they are with, who they are talking to, or hiding things from you, you need to question their intentions.

Especially when lying becomes a recurring problem, the pattern of lying will only get worse or more hurtful. If trust is gone, there is nothing you can do to restore it again.

Cheating takes many forms

Cheating can take many forms, but basically cheating is a sensitive topic for most people.

Do they think of you when they cheat, or do they only want you to find out?

Most people who actively cheat will cheat again, especially if you forgave them the first time. If it was truly a mistake, they will do whatever it takes to prove it was a mistake.

A recurring problem is one that happens over and over again, and it could be any combination of things that hurt you or things that you just can’t get past in the relationship.


Recurring issues are deal breakers and are inexcusable because if your significant other is constantly hurting you, it means they either don’t respect you or they truly think this behavior is acceptable, and if that’s the case, you need to get over it or leave.

Respect and trust are equally important in a relationship and are the foundation of a relationship and partnership. Mistakes are inevitable, but you need to ask yourself if your significant other respects you enough to not make the same mistake again. Can they allow you to go through that pain again and bear the consequences?

If you want to maintain a relationship, you need to forgive

You need to forgive that person so that your relationship can survive, but if you can’t do that, you need to decide if the relationship is worth fighting for, and if it is, you need to let go of the hurt and pain and focus on the future.

Only you can decide if something is inexcusable, but this is often the hardest part of the decision, whether to leave or choose to stay is up to you.

Morgan x

Monogamy works for me!

Why Monogamy Works for Me

An old question is Why many of us are monogamous?, to be honest, I firmly believe it is not suitable for everyone.
So why does it work for me?

As a young person, “playing around with relationships” was a given, and yes, I had many girlfriends, and our relationships could last longer than a few days (sometimes even months). The need to see or be with others overwhelmed the desire to be faithful to my current (then) partner.

I like music and bands

As I got older, I started playing music, and this environment opened up a whole new horizon of girls for me. Most of these girls were also not looking for a “long term relationship” but just wanted to have fun. For a while I believed this was exactly what I wanted, and I did explore that for a while (and am still having fun).

I didn’t meet my wife until about a year after the band broke up, and I have to say I was pretty young when I met her, but I was exposed to the “single life” from a very young age.

I was immediately attracted to her

Ms. Me (we’ll call her) and I met at a work party and to be honest, I was immediately attracted to her bubbly personality. After our first meeting, we kept in touch via email and a few phone calls for a few weeks. I soon realized that every day I “needed” to see her again.

We were working for the same company at the time, but in two different cities and had never met.

Although I was meeting some girls while out and about, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I wanted to see my wife again, and soon. I finally decided to arrange for us to meet.

I called her and we decided to go to a bar. To my surprise, we actually lived in the same city and she was going to another city for work. Thankfully, it would be easy to meet her. As you can imagine, we hit it off.

My feelings for her grew day by day and I couldn’t control it. We were both young and sex was a big part of our relationship and “Sex toys” Only in private games. We didn’t Start launching some of these toys Let me tell you, does this change the way we look at sex.

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19 years later, she gave birth to three children

Fast forward a few years and we have been together (including marriage) for 19 years and have 3 wonderful children. We have both met many people that we find interesting or attractive.

I’ve actually sat down and thought about this idea a lot. What if I met someone I found interesting enough that I would be willing to pursue a relationship outside of my marriage?

Let me be completely candid here. The answer is an absolute “no” and I really had to think about why that was the case and I think it’s actually pretty simple. Everything I want or need is in my wife. We are still as spontaneous as we were all those years ago. We are still as attracted to each other as we were then.

Attraction now is not only physical but also emotional and spiritual

Yes I believe the attraction may have evolved to some extent from just physical attraction. But now it is more of an emotional and mental attraction, she still makes my “heart race” from a physical perspective.

I don’t think I’m an exception. I’ve met many people who feel the same way about their partners.
So what’s the secret here?

Trust, spontaneity, respect, and the freedom to have fun on your own (whether it’s a night out at the bar with friends or a girls weekend with her) are all very important factors.

Sex with your partner is just as important. Over the years, people can become a little complacent, even selfish to some extent. Don’t, keep things fresh and don’t be afraid or shy to introduce some toys. There are tons of couples toys or private toys on the market.

It was a bit exciting to do some research together into the range available.

Keep the atmosphere lighthearted and fun while also being serious and working on your relationship. With a good balance between the two, you’ll find that monogamy works just fine.

Thanks Eon!

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