Adult Topic Blogs

Take off all her clothes without seeing her naked

A naked woman with a worried look on her face hides behind a plant.

Then you can take off all my clothes
Never See Me Naked ~ Ava Max’s Naked

This statement is so true. Physical nudity is easy and common. Emotional intimacy is less common and much more difficult. Yet most wives desperately want to be emotionally naked with their husbands.

A naked woman with a worried look on her face hides behind a plant.

Tell me if it’s safe to speak up
I want to show you my deepest secrets
I think I’m ready to be revealed.

Really saw me naked
See my true face ~ Ava Max’s nude

This is a big question. Can your wife trust you enough to tell you how she feels? Can she be naked? Can she let you really see her? Or is it unsafe to do so?

If you want to share this with your wife, then take the first step. Take a risk and expose your feelings in front of her. Bare everything and let her know it’s safe. Then offer love and support as she begins to undress.

Incidentally, women who feel safe to be emotionally naked are more interested in sex than those who don’t.

Image credit: © Paul H Byerly Created using
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