Adult Topic Blogs

Self-Love and Orgasms – Learn the Only Sex You Want

The benefits of self-care, self-love, masturbation, orgasm

Orgasms are a natural part of sexual health. But what about our emotional health—our self-love?

In this article, we’ll explore all of the benefits that come with meaningful masturbation, address the emotional pitfalls that can arise, and the many different ways you can incorporate sexy me-time into your daily life.

First, the body

During orgasm, endorphins, prolactin, oxytocin, and DHEA are released in large quantities, blood flow increases, estrogen levels rise (which increases collagen), and cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases.

All of this combines to create a powerful blend for better skin and hair, a good workout for the brain (in a good way), better sleep, improved immunity, increased happiness, and reduced pain.

But are there any drawbacks?

Many women believe that healthy sex can boost their self-confidence. In addition, it can strengthen the relationship between partners. However, not all women think this is true.

Some people may feel a pang of guilt or worthlessness afterwards – like they did something dirty. Or feel compelled to do it because they want to have sex with someone else. Others may do it out of boredom or functionality rather than enjoyment.

The only advice or support I can give for the first two examples is: “You are not worthless or dirty! deserve Feel the joy”. Beyond that, people really should discuss this with a professional – even just to have a pair of ears that you know won’t judge. But it’s better to find someone who has experience and knows how to help others overcome feelings of guilt or discomfort (at their own pace).

So if you are reading this and have issues with masturbation or any kind of self-intimacy, don’t feel pressured to suddenly change anything because of anything written here. It can just be educational or something to put in your pocket for when you are ready.

Just like any other form of self-care (like brushing your teeth, bathing, or taking a walk), you must set aside some time specifically for your orgasmic journey.

A lot of people have different numbers, but the general idea is to start with 30 minutes. Hopefully it’ll give you enough time to settle in, explore, play, and *fingers crossed* hit the big O. But that’s just a suggested time. If you need longer, go for it. Any shorter kind of defeats the purpose of self-love.

Pre-Game Exploration

If you’re new to your body (in a pleasure-sense sense), it’s worth spending some time exploring your erogenous zones before you engage in self-care.

Experiment with different masturbation techniques and positions or locations. Maybe you prefer the bathtub to the bedroom. Maybe you prefer to focus on the G-spot instead of the clitoris. And whether to lie on your back or prone. There’s no wrong way—just what works for you.

Oh, and don’t forget to use a good quality water-based lube! The dry stuff won’t do you any good.

warm up

When you decide to take 30 minutes, take about 10 minutes (or whatever time you want/need) to get comfortable and in the zone. You can…

  • Listen to your favorite sexy music
  • Read erotic books or listen to audio versions
  • Set up some mood lighting
  • Watch any porn you like
  • Touch and caress yourself slowly and gently
  • Imagine anything that gets you moving.


Now is the time to start feeling great with whatever masturbation techniques you prefer. You don’t have to rush if you don’t want to – you can take your time if you like.

Also, it’s important to remember that while orgasms are epic, They are not the ultimate goal. I know this sounds like it goes against everything in this article, but the pressure of orgasm can often have the opposite effect.

So, instead, enjoy the time you have with yourself. Be present and savor the feelings and sounds you make—the excitement and the rush. Connect with your body, and if it ends with a bang, great! If it doesn’t, it’s not a waste of time. You’ll still feel great and invest time in self-care. But definitely Don’t keep doing something that doesn’t feel good/right in the hopes of breaking through some barrier and feeling something positive on the other side.

That being said, if you find yourself generally struggling to orgasm, it’s okay to get some extra help from sex toys. If you’re not sure which you prefer, here’s a general breakdown…

  • Magic Wand Usually produces deeper, wider vibrations
  • Bullet shock More precise, not as powerful as a wand
  • Wand of Precision yes intense Clitoral Vibrator
  • Regular or rabbit vibrator For internal use, usually targeting the G-spot

Try an app-controlled sex toy. You can set the vibration level to low/medium/high depending on your body’s preference!

clam down

When all is said (or shouted), don’t rush into your day. Take a few minutes to relax and enjoy. Maybe there are things you’d like to do next time? Or maybe there are things you’re dying to do again? Maybe add some words of affirmation.

Self-Care and Orgasm—Conclusion

It can be stressful to end every sex session with a mind-blowing orgasm. But it’s also normal not to. Orgasms can be brief, fleeting, nonexistent, etc. The point is to learn a new kind of self-care—a form of self-connection and love that doesn’t require the approval of another body between the sheets.

So go ahead and love yourself!

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