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10 Signs Your Relationship Is Over

Signs that our relationship is over for him, and mine too?

From an outsider’s perspective, it can be pretty obvious that a couple’s time together is coming to an end. But for anyone who has invested time (and a lot of love) in another person, it can be hard to see the signs that the relationship is over.

Sometimes we need some thought (or in this case a handy checklist) to know if our intuition is correct.

Also, let’s talk about a big issue with language. Why do we say “signs that the relationship is over for him (or her)”? Well, because Google is a word maniac and unfortunately “he” is one of the most searched terms. But we’re all for equality here, and it doesn’t matter what happens under the clothes. Both parties have experienced the pain that comes with this particular topic. So, let’s just move forward with a “they” mentality.

What are the telltale signs that your partner wants out of the relationship?

1. They no longer care about your feelings

This is obvious, but when you’re in love, you’ll be amazed at how much you can let go.

The problem is, when you are in pain or going through a hard time, they don’t care to give you the support you need.This is probably one of the most important red flags that should not be ignored.

I remember one day I was having a bad day – really bad. I was a mess. I begged my (now ex-husband) to stay with me. All I wanted was a hug and support. I needed someone to be there for me. For him, hanging out was more important. He was so adamant about “alone time” that my feelings ended up falling by the wayside. At that moment, I did decide that our relationship was over.

2. Key priorities have changed

Maybe both of you wanted to start a family in the near future, but now the other person is not interested. Or maybe you were planning to have children, but your partner wants to focus on his or her career. Cheating Or cruel. Some people just drift away.

3. Respect no longer exists

Image source: Pexels

One might argue that this could be related to “not caring about other people’s feelings”, but I think that’s a much broader category. It could include situations like:

  • Cancel date night
  • No longer receiving calls or text messages like before
  • Sighing beside you
  • Leave the chores or errands entirely to you
  • Forgetting important dates such as anniversaries
  • Make others more important at critical moments

You get the idea. If you feel like they are treating you like a lesser being, then it’s time to take a hard look.

4. They are picky about their partners

Maybe you once meant the world to your partner. But for some reason, they are undermining everything they want you to do/be. Maybe they want you to lose weight or wear different clothes. Maybe it’s a hairstyle or eating habits. Who knows.

We’re not saying that because you’ve had red hair your whole life, we’re suggesting you get a new color. No, we’re saying that you’re picky about a lot of things; it’s like you can’t get enough of yourself.

It could be related to cheating. But it could just be a sign that they are tired of the relationship and they are being jerks instead of being the men or women that they are and ending the relationship gracefully/kindly.

5. They become irritable

Yes, we all know that. They get angry over the smallest things. Please put the PMS jokes aside. Let’s be serious. PMS is when they always seem to get mad at the smallest things. Like the way you breathe (OMG). We can also escalate it from “irritable” to mean.

If this continues for a while (and isn’t related to any obvious outside pressure), you should take this as another sign that he or she is over the relationship. This is usually their way of provoking enough arguments to try to get you to leave because they are too chicken to do it themselves.

6. Say goodbye to self-care

Signs that his relationship is over, Signs that the relationship is over
Image source: Pexels

I’m going to approach this with caution. But I’m 100% still going to talk about it because I think it’s important to talk about — mostly because it’s one of those things that people might feel too bad to say out loud.

You won’t miss seeing your partner forgo self-care, even if it’s a slow process. This doesn’t mean putting bath bombs and rose petals on your bed. I mean basic self-care, like taking a shower and brushing your teeth.

This could be a sign of depression. This doesn’t mean the relationship is over. –At least most of the time.

But in my case, that is exactly what happened. My ex-husband ended up suffering from depression and was not really doing anything about it (like taking care of himself or any relationship, etc). The problem was he didn’t want to get help at all…at all…. We know you can’t force anyone to get help. That’s just how it is.

In my case, I ended up with someone who I had to cook for and clean up after, who didn’t care about my feelings, who regularly did things that hurt me, who only drank/played computer games when not working, and who refused any kind of professional help. I did this for years. And the first red flag of an impending avalanche was longand completely give up on self-care.

I’m not saying that if your partner has issues with this or is depressed, your relationship is over. But I am saying that you don’t have to be a doormat or take a backseat in the relationship.

7. Physical contact brings 360 degrees

Maybe they no longer want to have sex with you. Or, it just seems like a chore to them. Maybe they don’t want any physical intimacy, to the point where hugging or even cuddling is no longer possible. This could be one of the signs that his or her relationship is over.

8. Personal space becomes weird

If your partner starts to really need their own space, it could be a sign that they don’t want to be around you. They’re trying to distance themselves from you.

If they’ve always been someone who needed a certain amount of personal space, that’s not a bad thing, but if there’s been a drastic change that lasts for a long time and doesn’t look like they’re going to go back to being the same, that’s something to worry about.

9. Park benches make for better conversation

Is my partner leaving me?
Image source: Pexels

If communication breaks down, that’s not good. How can you get them to talk about your relationship if they’re closed off and you can’t even get them to talk about their day? That’s another form of alienation.

If it’s accompanied by an indifferent attitude or lack of respect, that’s even harsher (and a clear sign).

10. They…just…stopped…trying

The most obvious sign is that they have completely exited the relationship (but are still there physically).

Another person may stop investing any Putting effort into the relationship. Because we know that healthy relationships take nurturing/work and one person can’t be expected to put in all the effort. When things hit DEFCON 1, they might make some emergency efforts but that’s it. When things calm down, they take everything for granted or just don’t care. They’re getting away with it. To them, it’s all over but they’re too comfortable to leave.

Important closing remarks

Keep in mind that these signs that his or her relationship is over are not final advice.

For example, some couples can come out of their shell and become closer if one person has given up on self-care for a long time – you are not immune to depression. Some people communicate differently and must learn how to talk to each other. Lack of sex may be a result of medication or Enormous pressure.

Compare these signs to your partner’s “before/normal” behavior and see how many significant differences there are without a clear source. Then, have a calm/non-confrontational conversation about it.

If the other person shows quite a bit of anger during the chat…well…that could be another sign.

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