As you know this season of Love is Blind was full of drama and things to discuss. I am going to only discuss one portion for the purposes of this blog – and that is Clay talking about how he is afraid of cheating on AD. He says it so many times it sounds like a threat more than a discussion.
Infidelity is a choice…but Clay had good reason to be worried about cheating due to his family history of infidelity.
Clay had the right idea discussing his fears of cheating with AD, but he didn’t have the right follow-up or execution.
When Infidelity is Normalized
If you grow up seeing your parents or other role models doing certain things you are likely to emulate it. Even if you see these things and think you never want that to be you. Sometimes our unconscious gravitates toward the familiar even if that is not in our best interest.
- Therapy: if you’re worried that cheating is something you might look to when things are going badly in your relationship or personal life then committing to regular therapy is very important. This will help you learn to notice and deal with issues as they happen in healthy ways instead of turning to unhealthy behaviors.
- Transparency: Share feelings with your partner regularly. Share with your partner if you ever feel yourself thinking about cheating and why you think that’s happening.
- Integrity: Integrity is how you act when no one is looking. How do you want to act even when your partner isn’t around to “catch” you?
- Long-Term Relationships: If you are someone who values long-term relationships and/or marriage, fidelity is going to be important to maintaining those relationships.
- Self-Reflection: Maintaining a healthy relationship and staying faithful to your relationship agreement with your partner requires self-reflection. This means recognizing when you are unhappy, sad, or unfulfilled in the relationship and figuring out what your needs are related to that.