Knowledge Dissemination

Dildo for virgins ?


Hello! I’m 21(F) and i’m looking to get a dildo for the first time . I’ve had two vibrators (looking for a new one !) before because i could only kind of get off with them and i wanted to try something new ! I can’t really insert my fingers since i have small hands and my fingers don’t really feel like anything so i’m just ready for the next step ! So far i’ve found this one
[Neo Elite 6](

And i’ve also found [Lifelike Lover Luxe](

I don’t know which one is more virgint friendly ? And i’m a bit afraid to get hurt trying one of them and then regretting getting them . Has anyone had any experience with either of these ?

Also i’m looking into getting lube from here :
[Buzz love shop](
Does anyone know if it’s safe to use ? Thank you !

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