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Dating coach reveals secret rules to make you more attractive

Dating coach reveals secret rules to make you more attractive

The eyes are the windows to the soul mate.

An Australian dating coach believes that beauty is indeed in the eyes of lovers after revealing a flirting strategy based on eyes, which will make people “more attractive” on dates.

“They will feel undeniably heading towards you and not even realizing the reason,” Perth matchmaker and coach Louanne Ward revealed in a Virus Instagram post.

The Corneal Catnip method, known as the “AT20 Eye Contact Rule” (20%), involves maintaining direct eye contact with only 20% of the conversation while cleverly shifting your gaze to their face in exchange for the other 80%.

“At the critical moment, the eye contact was slightly broken, making them want you to re-enter,” explained matchmaker Louanne Ward. Yakobchuk Olena

Given the number of relationship agencies that emphasize constant eye contact, the retinal ratio seems counterintuitive, but Ward believes that excessive gaze can feel “ebulous, creepy or confrontational.”

Instead, avoiding staring at yourself completely will cause you to “experience tension, uninterested or lack of confidence,” Australians said.

“When you balance eye contact (to their lips, bones, or forehead) on your lips, a natural conspiracy and chemistry creates.”

“They will feel undeniably leaning towards you, not even realizing the reason,” Ward said of her skills. dusan petkovic –
Ward (pictured above) adds that the eyes may encounter “creepy” for a long time. Instagram/Louanne Ward

“At the critical moment, the eye contact is slightly broken, making them want you to re-enter,” Ward explained. “It feels natural and comfortable – it prevents the embarrassment of over-promotion while still keeping you engaged.”

This eye-based technology, she said, is “supported by psychology” and “imitates romantic subconscious cues” because our “brain associates all this pattern of gaze with flirting, intimacy and chemistry.”

Performing this technique on a romantic outing takes some cleverness.

“When they speak, make direct eye contact.” “Let your eyes move naturally in their faces when you listen naturally – avoid robotic gaze.”

She added: “When you look away, proceed slowly and intentionally, rather than letting your eyes fly well. When you rebuild eye contact, mix in a brief smile or smirk – this triggers warmth and connection.”

The charm of voyeurs is not just snake oil science either.

Ward said the “AT20 Eye Dating Rules” provide a sense of “natural conspiracy and chemistry”. sanja_85-

A 2020 study by Dutch scientists pointed out that eye contact is “one of the most important nonverbal cues used to convey emotions in romantic attraction and relationship development dynamics.”

Although the researchers found that it did not “directly affect romantic attraction”, the uncertainty of eye contact was less, uncertainty and more intimate hints than communication without eye contact. ”

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