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Vampire Fetish 101 – Understanding Sex and Blood

Vampire quirks, blood bags

You’re here either because you’re curious about vampire games and need confirmation that you’re not weird, or because you’re really confused as to why people like these things. In either case, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.


When you kick garlic heads, you’re bound to run into something involving vampires. They’re everywhere – movies, television, books, music, computer games, paintings, comics, opera/theater and ballet… yes, even ballet.

In fact, all things optimistic were ingrained into our culture long before we had what we now consider to be formal quirks and fetishes.

Why do people like vampires?

Even if they start doing something mythically wild and horrible, We have transformed them into perfect vessels for human desire.

We desire to be beautiful, powerful, intelligent, attractive, and sometimes even intimidating. We want to be so perfect and so attractive that we can easily get anything or anyone we want – we want to embrace our sexual instincts without having to apologize for it.

the most important is…

We want to have wild freedom at all times – whether it’s out of lust, hunger or anger – and this is “acceptable” because it’s the “nature” of vampires.

And let us not forget our old friend – death.

Humans fear the unknown of death, so it’s no surprise that we’re interested in things that could allow us to become immortal or live longer than we currently do.


This is not just exist Vampires. Some people enjoy being at the mercy of vampires.

Their sensual nature and ability to “charm” allow their “prey” to experience the pleasure of sex without guilt because “they have no choice”. This is similar to “consensual rape role play”. Especially women, they will be socially condemned for being sexually open or not being a married virgin, so for some people, Going crazy with Dracula can be downright cathartic.

We can’t forget about the gentlemen out there who also enjoy being dominated by a powerful man or woman and find role playing to be an easier avenue to explore those desires and enter the submissive role.

But what about the blood?

This is where things get really tricky.

For obvious reasons, vampire-related kinks and fetishes have found their way into BDSM culture, where unusual or “currently unnatural” bedroom behaviors are welcomed and accepted without judgement. As long as they are safe, sane, and consensual, of course.

But like other BDSM groups, There are subgroups upon subgroups, and undefined titles or labels that people continually disagree about.

We can safely divide it into two categories of fetishes…

Vampire quirks – Attraction to vampires lifestyle and myth.

Obsession – BDSM edging play, where someone gets pleasure from it Blood.

Is there always sex?


Are they mutually inclusive?


Someone might like the vampire genre but hate actual blood or bloodletting. Someone might like bloodletting but not care for Dracula. And some people combine the two.

Is there a right or wrong answer?


That’s like saying that someone who plays basketball every other weekend is more right or wrong than someone who plays baseball once a month or someone who likes both and plays basketball as often as possible.

Kinks and fetishes are as personal and unique as the people who practice them. The BDSM community loves their labels because It is easier to find people with similar interestsYou’ll know which message boards and groups to join. But beyond that, You still need to take the time to find the right person.

But it’s blood! Whew!

Vampire fascination, blood dripping from red vampire lips

Yes, this can be scary to some people. But if that’s the case, the beauty of real BDSM play is that if you don’t like it… You don’t have to do this. Clean and neat.


If you want to try it, keep in mind that there are a ton of rules you need to follow and a ton of research you need to do before you can. That doesn’t even include all the STI testing you’ll need to do before you even scratch your skin.

notes: Blood Game is a huge topic that is better suited for a separate article.

Different Types of Vampires

Illustration, male vampire and bats in the background

You’ll find a variety of…

  • Goth or Victorian fashion lovers
  • Those who live in a nocturnal cycle
  • Odaxelagnia Fetish (love to be bitten)
  • Those who like “charm” (mind control)
  • Psychic vampires (feed on energy rather than blood)
  • Contemporary/pop culture enthusiasts
  • People who like perverted sex
  • Role Player
  • Full-time Lifestyle Vampire
  • Part-time enthusiast
  • Occasionally curious
  • The list goes on

But isn’t there any danger?

Yes, there are dangers in everything—both practices and people.

For example…

Some people have unexplained or psychological cravings that are not based in BDSM or sexuality, sometimes to the point of violence. While such people often (unfortunately) make their way into the community, any dangerous behavior is immediately ignored in the eyes of others who abide by the rules of the SSC.

Their “kink membership” was literally/figuratively cancelled.

It’s like sadists using BDSM as an excuse to be sadistic. In reality, they are not real BDSMers. These people don’t understand or care about the core of the community, they join because they think it will give them freedom.

So if you want to figure out the difference, here’s an easy way to know…

  • Any BDSM or kink activity should involve communicate Before, during and after any meeting.
  • limit, triggerand Safeword Need to be established in advance.
  • If a safeword is used, the game should stop immediately. It does not matter whether the Top/Dominant agrees or not. In fact, if a safeword is used, the Top should only have concern.
  • Top should always pay attention and respect The well-being of their followers.
  • They should also have a Thorough understanding What to expect – risks etc.
  • Both parties should enjoy the show.
  • should have No physical or mental stress Make someone do something they don’t want to do.
  • Safety and Precautions Preventing illness and infection should always be a top priority.
  • Aftercare should always be part of the process.

These are just the basics of quirk play.

Want to learn more about safewords? Read this article…

What is a safeword? Learn the basics of kink communication

Therefore, if you see someone breaking these rules or blatantly disrespecting them (whether it’s casual vampire roleplay or hardcore bloodletting), you should distance yourself from that person immediately.

How can I explore this fetish further?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of websites dedicated to all kinds of extreme vampire fetishes. If you want to find someone who dresses up as a Twilight character, spanks you every Thursday, and licks ketchup off your ass, then there’s probably a forum that would welcome you.

It’s just a matter of reading, exploring, surrounding yourself with safe practitioners or mentors, and taking those first few steps into the night.

However, if you’re just looking for some role-playing ideas for you and your partner to have some fun on an evening, that’s fine too.

This is an article with many ideas

Vampire Sex Ideas – How to Get Wild with Fangs

Also, if you want to read more interesting content, check out…

Do you love vampire stuff? Feel free to share in the comments to let others know they’re not alone?

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