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Trust God’s Timing – Mutual Blog

Trust God’s Timing – Mutual Blog

I had just moved to Utah from Idaho and was encouraged by family and friends to re-download mutual and try dating again since I was new to the area. I had mutual multiple times and dated a lot but it never went beyond a few dates. Jace had also just redownloaded mutual after taking a break from dating. We matched within a week of both of us downloading the app again. He messaged me the day we matched and took my out to sushi. From that day on, we were inseparable. We saw each other everyday and became best friends. Even though we knew we wanted to be together, it took Jace some time to admit it. He broke up with me a few times because of fear of a real commitment. But he never let it last for more than a week before calling me up and wanting to try again. Under normal circumstances I would have been done after the first breakup, but there was something about him. I prayed multiple times and expressed my frustration with him and the answer each time was: “be patient. Keep fighting for him.” I knew God had directed me to move to Utah. For Jace. So I continued to fight for him and eventually he realized you’re supposed to marry your best friend. We talked many times while dating about how it felt like God’s plan for us to be together. Our first date was on October 29th 2020. On October 30th 2021, Jace took me into the mountains and asked me to be his wife. We were married May 6th 2022 in Salt Lake City UT and now have a beautiful baby girl. We are going to be sealed as a family on October 21st. We couldn’t be happier, Jace is the most amazing husband and father. I’m so glad we both gave mutual another shot. Dating can be so frustrating, but timing is everything! Trust God’s timing.

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