Knowledge Dissemination

Toy with strong scent?


This is sort of a continuation to the previous post I had about the Hello Cake toy I’ve received, so I’ll sum it up…

I have purchased the Hello Cake “Tush Pops” brand of butt plugs, and upon opening, I noticed the smell. It’s almost like a chemical scent? Like a cleaner or something artificial? I’m assuming this scent is the mold release spray or something implemented during production, but it also could be something with the silicone itself. Haven’t done the burn test yet, but may consider it just to make sure it’s absolutely silicone. I live with others, so I don’t want to draw attention to myself. (It DID pass the pinch test though.)

(Edit: FORGOT TO MENTION, but I have already tried washing the scent off and leaving them to air dry. The smallest toy didn’t smell like much anymore, but the rest still had the smell.)

The scent bothers me a lot and I’m incredibly anxious to use the toy. I already have a few other alternatives I may consider, (thanks to this subreddit! 💚) but I also don’t want to throw away a possibly fine toy.

Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you.

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