Adult Topic Blogs

The “God” Question in 12-Step Recovery

The “God” Question in 12-Step Recovery

All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

Belief in a particular religion is not a requirement for sobriety.

Many sex and porn addicts who are new to 12-step recovery (and even some who have been there for a while) have a hard time accepting the use of the word “God” in 12-step programs. They don’t need to. Twelve-step groups do not believe in any particular religion or god. They are not a church or a cult. Rather, they are spiritual plans that accept and embrace everything that any member believes (or does not believe). Yes, many recovering sex and porn addicts do find specific religious or spiritual practices to be comforting and beneficial, but specific religious beliefs are by no means a prerequisite for joining any 12-step group.

today’s task
Think about your spiritual beliefs and disbeliefs. Share this in meetings and notice how your ideas are received without judgment.

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