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Take the Bondara Sex Personality Test!

Take the Bondara Sex Personality Test!

Find out what kind of lover you are with these saucy questions in our sex personality test.

Work your way across the flowchart, choosing yes or no answers, and we tell you if you’re a Horny Hedonist, Kinky Connoisseur or Reliable Romantic. Discover more below…

Bondara’s Sex Personality Test

Take the Bondara Sex Personality Test! 6

Your sex personality test results say you are:

The Horny Hedonist

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If there’s one thing to know about The Horny Hedonist, it’s that you’ll try anything once! You might be more of a hands-on learner, ready to dive in and try every new kink, sex toy, freaky fetish or piece of lingerie that excites you.

You’re open to pretty much anything… as long as you’ve had a thorough discussion first. Communication and openness are probably key to your intimate relationships.

You’ll love our What’s New at Bondara page for the fun, interesting and crazy new products. From sex toys to gorgeous lingerie, you’re always on the hunt for the newest trend!

We think you’ll love…

The Kinky Connoisseur

Take the Bondara Sex Personality Test! Personaility Test The Kinky Connoisseur

The Kinky Connoisseur has a good knowledge of BDSM and a big box (or two) of bondage equipment that they whip out at play parties. Power and control are your two favourite words, whether you’re begging to submit or ruling over your partner as a Dom.

You’re always prepared to use a wide range of sex toys and bondage equipment to indulge your kinks. You might be new to the scene or a veteran kinkster, but either way, you’re down for wild nights of pleasure and pain.

Your favourite items are bondage body harnesses, spanking paddles and open-mouth gags.

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The Reliable Romantic

Take the Bondara Sex Personality Test! Personaility Test The Reliable Romantic 1

The Reliable Romantic is an old-school lover; Vanilla is a classic for a reason! While you’re not afraid to spice things up and try something new occasionally, your methods are tried and tested for guaranteed seduction. Candle-lit dinners, romantic city breaks and rose petals are your kinda thing.

Affection and intimacy are at the heart of your relationship. You most likely prefer to focus on one person at a time so they can experience your undivided attention.

Your favourite items are faux rose petals, sexy lingerie and classic vibrators.

We think you’ll love…

What’s your sex personality? Do you agree with your result from our quiz? Let us know in the comment section below!

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