All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.
Sex without love is just as empty and ridiculous as love without sex.
Sex addicts and porn addicts share certain characteristics. One of these common traits is our inability to differentiate between sex, love and affection. Often, this is the result of a childhood disorder—abuse, neglect, or inconsistent parenting. Because we are not getting the healthy attention, emotional regulation, and relationship shaping we need, our views on sex, love, and emotions are messed up. Any attention, especially sexual attention, feels like love. But emotions and sex are different from love. As part of our long-term sobriety and recovery, we must re-examine our feelings and meanings about relationships, love, and sexuality.
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Think of three ways to integrate sex, love, and emotion. Share these ideas in meetings and ask for feedback.