Adult Topic Blogs

Overcoming the Shame of Porn Addiction

Overcoming the Shame of Porn Addiction

All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A series of these moments can change the course of your life.

Porn addicts are often reluctant to seek help. Sometimes this is because they don’t see their solo sex as the root cause of their unhappiness. Other times, it’s because they’re too ashamed to admit that they’re struggling with something that (to them) is extremely shameful. If they do seek help, it’s usually for addiction-related symptoms—depression, loneliness, and relationship problems—rather than the pornography problem itself. Many people go into therapy for long periods of time without pornography being discussed (or even asked about). Unfortunately, unless porn addicts talk about their porn use and the problems they have as a result, this behavior and its consequences will continue.

today’s task
Tell your therapist, sponsor, or friend in recovery any secrets you keep about your use of pornography or other sexual behaviors.

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