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Men who perceived themselves as most or least attractive were associated with

Young couple having marital problems in bedroom, upset woman on bed, quarrel with husband in background

Average Joe doesn’t look so bad now.

A new study of young British men shows that those who think they are the most or least handsome are more misogynistic than those who think they are average-looking.

Misogyny refers to the systematic devaluation and personal hatred of women by men throughout history, manifested in sexism – the belief that one gender is superior to another – contempt for non-men, manipulation, assault and abusive behavior such as rape .

Researchers say misogyny is at the heart of radical right political ideology and “incel” (involuntary celibacy) culture. However, study author Jiewen Zhang of the University of Bergen in Norway and her colleagues wanted to understand whether various lifestyle and psychological factors, such as loneliness, sensitivity to rejection, perceived attraction and romantic relationships, also play a role played a role.

Their new study, published in the Journal of Scandinavian Psychology, concluded that men who support right-wing authoritarianism and men who have high or low self-perceived attractiveness are “associated with increased hostility toward women.”

The survey conducted a series of psychological assessments on 473 single heterosexual men aged 18 to 35 in the UK to detect hostile sexism, misogyny, self-perceived attractiveness, sensitivity to rejection, loneliness, gaming habits, gaming Patterns of addiction symptoms and entitlements. Wing authoritarianism.

Research shows that there is no significant link between a man’s number of sexual partners and his misogynistic beliefs. Getty Images

Perhaps counterintuitively, men with the fewest and most partners were less hostile toward women than men with an average number of partners.

The researchers believe that men’s evaluation of their appearance “may be determined by narcissistic traits rather than the number of sexual partners they have had.”

In fact, the findings call into question many popular assumptions about the roots of misogyny.

“The lack of support for our hypotheses about loneliness, rejection, romance, and sexual partnering is surprising given research linking involuntary celibacy to these characteristics and hostility toward women,” the researchers wrote.

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