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Marathon runner is shocked by boyfriend’s finishing proposal

Man proposes to his girlfriend on the finish line of the marathon, woman shows emotions on the red carpet, crowd in the backstage

The couple is in trouble.

A man offered to his girlfriend a fierce debate after completing a marathon, some of whom claimed he “stole her moments.”

Sarah John approached the finish line of a long course weekend marathon in the UK when her ex-wife fell to one knee and popped up a ring box.

John looked shocked when he crossed the finish line and saw his boyfriend kneeling. @sarahjohn69/teltok

In the title of the video posted to Tiktok, the Welsh runner said she “still doesn’t have this incredible moment”.

But despite her happiness, others are not keen on the proposal.

“I’m the only one who thought he stole her moment?” mocked an audience member.

“Well… she should have her own moment to reflect and celebrate her achievements, and it should be proposed that the day that could have been waiting!” deceived the other.

“It should definitely save this offer for a day and completely steal her moment,” said the third person smoke.

Man proposes to girlfriend Sarah John on the finish line of the marathon while she stands on the red carpet
Before asking the question, her boyfriend reminded her to block her watch. @sarahjohn69/teltok

“I mean, obviously she’s happy, but no, it’s so selfish. Any other moment, but he chose this moment to make himself the focus,” commented Tiktokker.

But others quickly defended John and her soon-to-be husband, saying it seemed “perfect” to her.

“The moment he said to everyone that he stole her…he was proposing to her? One said. “Like/want something different, you all need to stop thinking that everyone is like you. ”

“He stole her moment? He actually made it even more special,” another said.

“These comments are crazy. If my partner did this, I would be on the moon and wouldn’t even think that he would’ve ‘stealed my moment’.” “People need to ease. She obviously liked it and see how happy she was.”

“How did he steal her moment? Another user said.

John applauded those who hated, “seemingly think they know me better than my partner,” saying the offer was “perfect.”

“Two of my favorite things combined, running and Tom! Not a more perfect suggestion for me,” she wrote in the comments. “But I think strangers think they know me better.”

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