Adult Topic Blogs

Exploring Your Queerness with a Straight Partner: Tips from

Straight-passing couple embracing looking pensive or romantic. When talking with your partner about being queer, the help of a Minnesota couples therapist may be nice. Consider online couples therapy near Minneapolis, MN. 55369 | 55361 | 55391


    There is a myth out there I want to bust – that you cannot honor and explore your queerness when in a committed, long-term relationship with a straight partner. This commonly believed myth perpetuates so much stigma and imposter syndrome within queer individuals who are with a straight partner or in a “straight passing” relationship. It can lead people to feeling like they don’t truly fit in anywhere, not with the LGBTQIA+ community but also not in the heterosexual space. I want to shatter this narrative. In this blog post I will dive into ways you can honor your queerness when with a straight partner, and spoiler alert, the answer is not just to have queer sex outside of the relationship. 

First Up – Shift Your Narrative Around Relationships and Queerness

Creatively Express Your Queerness

Think about how you can express your queerness creatively. Try out any medium that feels right for you – painting, music, writing, talking – and express your definition of queerness.

Find Your (LGBTQ+) Community

The next recommendation I have is to find your community. Get involved in your local LGBTQIA+ community by attending events, volunteering, reading books by queer authors, listening to queer musicians, attending queer art shows, following queer people on social media, or anything else that helps connect you with other members of the community. Some other resources that may be helpful to get you started: 

  • TrevorSpace: “TrevorSpace is an affirming, online social community for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 13-24 years old. With over 400,000 members across the globe, you can explore your identity, get advice, find support groups, and make friends in a moderated online safe space intentionally designed for you.”
  • PFLAG: “PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters are helping create an equitable and inclusive world where every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved.” You can find a local PFLAG chapter for meetings and events, and they also have online meetings and virtual communities to participate in.
  • Everywhere Is Queer: “Everywhere Is Queer is a public resource (and ever-growing searchable map!) created for the LGBTQIA2S+ and ally community to find welcoming, queer-owned spaces to shop, connect, eat, learn, and grow all over the world… even in your own neighborhood!”

This is absolutely by no means an exhaustive list. There are many spaces out there meant to build queer community…just explore and find what feels good for you. Read our blog for more LGBTQ+ friendly resources.

Open Up to Your Partner

Straight-passing couple looking into each other's eyes and smiling in a playful way. Talking with your partner about being queer can be hard. An LGBTQ+ affirming therapist in Plymouth, MN can help with couples therapy near the Twin Cities. 55447 | 55441 | 55442

Exploring Your Queerness Physically

Consider Couples Therapy or Marriage Counseling with an LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapist in Plymouth, MN

Other Sexual Wellness and Couples Therapy Services in Minnesota

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