Adult Topic Blogs

5 Terrible Places to Have Sex – If You Dare

Island of Dolls

If boring cemeteries or homemade haunted houses don’t resonate with you, here are some scary, haunted places to have sex.

It’s also worth noting that being public about your sexuality could get you in big trouble, so maybe it should be approached as a mental exercise rather than a literal one.

You can be as naughty as you want during Halloween…

Island of Dolls

Xochimilco is a district in Mexico City where an artificial island is famous for its collection of weathered, filthy, and downright terrifying dolls.

The owner, Julian Barrera, found the body of a dead girl in a nearby canal. He began collecting discarded dolls to ward off evil spirits. He died in 2001, but the dolls still exist.

If that’s not scary enough for you, try having sex there – I bet you won’t be able to get an erection (unless haunted toys are a turn-on).

Portuguese Bone Chapel

Portuguese Bone Chapel

Go look at the bones of over 5,000 monks, and the church decided, “Hey, let’s use them for wall decorations.”

In fact, the real reason is that at the end of the 15th century, the cemetery was full and people decided to move everything to one place to make room. Enjoy your erection surrounded by bones. Yes, I’ve been there.

Just be aware that there are a lot of tours and a lot of people wanting to visit during Halloween. You might have to take a quick fix in the bathroom and stare at the pictures you took.

Russia’s City of the Dead

A horrible place to have sex

No, this isn’t a quaint little village. It’s just a bunch of huts with human remains buried inside. Technically, this is a cemetery, so you can desecrate it if you want.

there is a question.

Few people go there because the route is difficult and takes hours. You have to spend the night there… the locals will think you are crazy. The rumor is

Whoever goes in…cannot come out.

Pluckley, Kent

A horrible place to have sex

Guinness ranked the village as the most haunted in England, with legend having 12 to 16 named ghosts.

There are bed and breakfasts so you can have sex privately (and legally). Imagine having sex with the Screaming Man, the Highwayman, the Burning Elder, and the Headmaster all watching you.

Lincoln Park Zoo

A horrible place to have sex

You never thought anything like this could happen, did you? (See what I did there?). Yes, you see a bunch of furry animals and hunchbacked monkeys, but this was a cemetery for over 35,000 bodies from the 1840s and 50s. The city had to relocate it because there were too many dead buried next to the city water system.

But… not everyone was moved.

There have been rumors of ghosts since it opened 150 years ago.

Important Notes

I know I have to put a very obvious disclaimer on this post…

“Having sex in public” doesn’t mean pulling out your drawers for the whole world to see. There are also indecent exposure laws, possible child viewing (= bad, hehe), and possible trespassing laws. While having sex in these scary places might be awesome, doing so carries the risk of being jailed – so don’t do anything stupid.

What spooky places have you dared to do this? Share them in the comments!

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