We know it’s September, Virgo season, when the summer heat starts to feel bearable and students get back into the rhythm of packing their backpacks and heading to school. Virgos are detail-oriented and efficient planners, and we could all use a little of their energy this month to shake off the drama of Leo season and welcome the arrival of fall.
On the first day of the month, change-maker Uranus goes retrograde, where it will remain until January 30, 2025. This means you may begin to realize what changes need to be made, but things won’t happen quickly. Especially if you’re an adaptable mutable sign—I’m talking about Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces—September 2024 marks the beginning of five months in which your patience will be tested. Pluto will also enter structured Capricorn for a brief stay on September 1, until it reenters Aquarius in November, where it will stay for the next two decades. Pluto’s stay in Capricorn will be a stopping point before an important transit; be sure to form good habits now.
There’s also a partial lunar eclipse on September 17. While it won’t be visible in Japan, we’ll certainly feel its astrological effects; a lunar eclipse is like an especially powerful full moon, and since it’s in dreamy Pisces, the weeks following the eclipse will have you feeling like you’ve entered a dreamland. The moon may teach us something about our mysterious subconscious, but reach out to the grounding power of Virgo to pull yourself out of your mental rut.
As we enter Libra season this month, we’ll be able to establish and prioritize balance. At the end of the month, Mercury also enters Libra, promoting diplomacy and pleasant conversations. You’ll find it easier to let go of any internal or external conflicts that may have arisen during this intense month full of change.
Keep reading below to find out your sign’s monthly horoscope, and be sure to check your Sun and Rising signs.
Virgo September Horoscope
Happy birthday, Virgo! September will be a fruitful month for understanding your own philosophy and long-term goals. At the beginning of the month, you will feel a profound shift in priorities brought about by Uranus retrograde and the New Moon in your sign. You will gain clarity about your values for the present and the future. Mercury will also return to your home on September 9, allowing you to put these budding revelations into words. Give yourself some alone time, even Traveling Alone Take advantage of the high points of solar return.
Libra September Horoscope
Many lessons about change await you this month, Libra. Uranus retrograde highlights your eighth house of intimacy, prompting you to reevaluate the way you share assets with those around you. A Lunar Eclipse later in the month illuminates your sixth house of health and habits, asking you to better organize your daily life. By the time of your Solar Return, you should be feeling renewed—get out there and do what you can to help. Do something fun Spend Libra season with your favorite people.
Scorpio September Horoscope
Pluto is your ruling planet, and you’ll feel its return more strongly than others this month. Since it highlights your third house of ideas and communication, you may find yourself thinking more than usual. Open up to people you trust this month, and don’t get caught up in your own thoughts. Later in the month, Venus will enter your cardinal sign, allowing you to embrace a more romantic, charming side of yourself. Go on a romantic journey with the help of the planet of love. Date Night Be with your special someone.
Sagittarius September Horoscope
As someone who loves change, Uranus retrograde may be particularly tough on you, Sagittarius. As the planet of creativity illuminates your second house of work and priorities, you may begin to crave changes in your workplace. Remember, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and even if it is, your new garden will still need watering. Use this period of change to evaluate your long-term goals and then calm down. Nearby rivers Clear your head on the weekends.
Capricorn September Horoscope
Your identity is constantly evolving, Capricorn, but now is a great time to assert yourself. Pluto’s return to your sign at the beginning of the month means you may have to confront insecurities head-on. The planet of the subconscious has a tendency to root out weak foundations, so it’s important for you to stick to your core values. Thankfully, since it’s Virgo season in fellow earth sign Virgo, you’ll be able to tap into Virgo’s grounding power and avoid being sucked into Pluto’s orbit. Don’t stress too much; go enjoy your day. cocktail If you find yourself overwhelmed, share it with a friend.
Aquarius September Horoscope
This is a month for you to build a solid foundation, Aquarius. Uranus retrograde highlights your fourth house of home and emotional foundations, encouraging changes to family dynamics and your understanding of your roots. Pluto also leaves your sign and enters Capricorn for a brief stop. Don’t take it too easy, though; this planet of change will return to Aquarius in November. Use this time away from Pluto’s watchful eye to solidify your relationships with yourself and those closest to you. This doesn’t have to be stressful—go do something fun weekend.
Pisces September Horoscope
As someone who loves change, Uranus retrograde may feel a bit overwhelming, Pisces. The key is to let your imagination run wild, even if the material world hasn’t caught up with you yet. Fortunately, a Lunar Eclipse in your sign later this month will help enhance your dreams of what you want your reality to be. Go somewhere romantic and let the romance of your life take over. Dream Cafe Or journal at your favorite park.
Aries September Horoscope
You’ve never been afraid of a fight, Aries, but this month, letting go is the quickest path to happiness. Uranus retrograde and Pluto’s return to Capricorn force you to reevaluate your daily routine, and you may realize that the habits you’ve fallen into aren’t serving you well. Use the orderly energy of Virgo season to Cleaning That’s how your life was until we entered your sister sign, Libra season.
Taurus September Horoscope
Taurus, you’re feeling creative and social this month. You already had a foundation for your identity as you entered Virgo season, but Uranus and Pluto are pushing you to tap into your creative ambitions. Later this month, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces illuminates your 11th house of social awareness and desires. Get creative with your social gatherings—we all know you enjoy the finer things in life, so take your friends to Michelin restaurant at a good price Near you.
Gemini September Horoscope
Gemini, you may be having some big thoughts about your finances or career this month. Uranus retrograde is prompting you to think about your roots and how they got you to where you are today. Later in the month, a Lunar Eclipse lights your tenth house of long-term goals and public image, so you may have some revelations about chapters you want to close in your career and chapters you want to start in the future. future It can be scary, but it’s also incredibly exciting for a sociable free spirit like you.
Cancer September Horoscope
The next few months may be a little intense for you as Pluto reenters Capricorn, your sister sign. Your social circle will be under Pluto’s particular scrutiny; conflicts and concerns may arise, but as long as you guide your interactions with kindness and compassion, all will be well. We also have a Lunar Eclipse in fellow water sign Pisces later this month – take advantage of the dreamy inspiration for change that the moon brings, and embrace Pisces’ adaptable nature. This month, learn to go with the flow, perhaps taking a page from a Water Vacation.
Leo September Horoscope
This month, Leo, you’ll want to get everything in place. Pluto has entered Capricorn, giving you a little breathing room and a break from its scrutiny—but not for long, as it reenters your sister sign Aquarius in November. Pluto’s move into disruptive Aquarius suggests that major shifts are afoot, but you’ll want to lay a solid foundation beforehand. A Lunar Eclipse later this month highlights your eighth house of intimacy, prompting you to think about how you share your resources with those closest to you. Solve all problems Now you probably have it, so you can move into the next phase of your life with confidence.