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You should change condoms during sex — here’s why

Young happy man and woman make love in bed. Doctors say men should wear a condom before having vaginal, oral or anal sex - and recommend wearing a new condom if you switch from one sexual activity to another.

Most men carry condoms with them in case sex suddenly becomes a problem – but if you’re in a long-term relationship, one condom may not be enough.

Experts say that condoms should be changed regularly during sex to increase their effectiveness.

Dr Neil Patel advises that prolonged friction during sex can also have an adverse effect on this ultra-thin material, so it is recommended to change it every 30 minutes.

The doctor told Lloyd’s Pharmacy: “It’s probably a good thing to have, but if you’ve been going on for half an hour and you’re not ready to stop, then change the condom.”

Doctors recommend that men should put on a condom before having vaginal, oral or anal sex, and that a new condom should be put on if switching from one type of sexual intercourse to another. Shutterstock

Dr Patel said changing condoms was not a hard and fast rule as it depended on “how intense your intercourse was”.

“We leave that judgement to you,” he said, adding that couples should be aware that the rubber could tear at any time.

Doctors recommend that men should put on a condom before having vaginal, oral or anal sex, and that a new condom should be put on if switching from one type of sexual intercourse to another.

Additionally, if you lose your erection while wearing a condom, the condom may no longer be effective and should be replaced.

Condom package in jeans
Dr Neil Patel advises that prolonged friction during sex can also have an adverse effect on this ultra-thin material, so it is recommended to change it every 30 minutes. Shutterstock

Condoms are 98 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, but they do more than just prevent pregnancy.

They may also protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Condoms usually last a long time but have an expiration date which should be printed on the wrapper or container box.

Doctors also remind men to check the wrapper before inserting the rubber into the penis to make sure it is within the expiration date.

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