Let’s apply the concept of need to sex. If we modify the definition, we get:
Sexual needs are necessary for a safe, stable and healthy sex life.
One of your wife’s greatest sexual needs is that she be the only naked woman in your sight.
You may think this isn’t a reasonable demand, but it is. Even women who don’t think porn is sinful struggle with it. She wants you to pay attention to her only. She wants to satisfy you. When you watch porn, or stare at half-naked women on the street, you’re telling her that she can’t satisfy you sexually. This causes her to be unwilling to try, because we don’t put effort into something that’s futile.
Your wife will feel better about you and your sex life if you stop seeking visual sexual stimulation from other sources. This can only make sex better.
If you decide to change, I suggest you do it without saying a word. After three months, tell her you haven’t watched porn in three months and you don’t plan to ever watch it again. Don’t ask or expect anything from her about it, just let her know. If you’ve been watching other women naked for years, she’ll need time to adjust.
Image credit: © Paul H Byerly Created using stockdreams.ai
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