Using video games to cheat in marriage is bland. Unfortunately, something happened to the wife and she caught her husband having an online relationship with another gamer.
The woman blows up her husband with R/RelativeAdvice subreddit on Reddit for his infidelity and seeks advice from people.
“My (27F) husband (28m) was involved in a game where member roles play roles in town. There is a discord server where members can voice chat and type back and forth with each other,” she wrote.
She continued to share this through this game – her husband spent hours playing games every day – and he met some online friends. And he became particularly close to one of them-a woman.
“They talk through discord every day, and even if my husband is working, he will chat with her. I know that’s because I’ve seen these messages. They’re chatting every day (with me in the room).”
When she expressed her concern to her husband, he downplayed his friendship with the woman and assured her that there was nothing to worry about.
Usually, be careful when someone says “nothing to worry about.”
Then, the wife found a clear text conversation between her husband and the mysterious woman on her phone. Yes.

“I told him that it’s over now or he doesn’t have a wife. I told him if he valued his family and never went on. He said he understood, that wouldn’t.”
Well, it was the husband’s wrong commitment-because he continued to participate in his own game events. The wife shared that her husband wanted to build an open relationship – this was her last straw.
Apparently, she went to live with their six-month-old daughter.
“I’m scared to start over, I have 0 money, all of which is embarrassing,” his wife shared on Reddit.
The thread has nearly 300 comments from other red people sympathized with and verified the woman’s feelings.
“I’m sorry, but yes, I’d think cheating. He’s basically having sex with another woman,” one responded.
“It’s 100% emotional event, at least (at least) physical role-playing. I’m sorry.”
One gamer shared their comments in the topic: “I play video games that sound like people play roles, and in my opinion, it’s definitely cheating. People are emotionally invested in role-playing.”
Another added: “Yes, it’s cheating. He lies, cheating emotionally. Also, it’s just that he gives another woman the time and energy to cheat without a gender.”