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What is Vore? A closer look at this extreme eating addiction

What is Vore? A closer look at this extreme eating addiction

Today’s exploration takes us deep into the world of size and consumption – the world of VORE fetish.

What is vore, You ask?

Also known as Bulimiais a sexual fantasy of being eaten or eating another person or creature. It can also be linked to the erotic appeal of eating in general.

Before you throw your hands up in the air and yell “pervert!”, stay on this train for a while longer – because you’ll find that, despite its sinister overtones, it’s a relatively harmless fetish.

This is not cannibalism

Let’s get this part out of the way first.

Although the word derives from the LatinDevour” (swallow or devour), 99% of the vore community rejects the concept or practice of cannibalism (whether real or imagined).

It also has nothing to do with sexual cannibalism, because vore involves impossible size differences The difference between “prey” and “predator” is enough to get the victim devoured pieceAdditionally, even if there were no size difference in the fantasy, the Predator has the physically impossible ability to swallow objects whole.

Side note: For those who are saying “EW!”, it might be worth pointing out all things vampires and drinking blood.


It’s not just about eating

Every fetish has its subgroups or offshoots.

Soft spring – This fantasy involves the prey (voluntary or involuntary) being swallowed whole and unharmed. The action in softcore swallowing is more sexual and non-lethal, and usually the prey is not harmed or magically reappears. This is a large part of the community.

Hard us – Also known as Blood clotsusually without sex, the prey suffers horrific injuries and blood loss, then is killed and digested. This is a smaller part of the community, and is sometimes banned on forums.

Vaginal opening – Also known as sterilization, reverse fertilization or female genital mutilation, The person is swallowed by the vagina and eventually enters the uterus.

Breast Devouring – Prey is swallowed through the nipple and ends up in the udder.

Cock swallowing – The body passes through the urethra and eventually reaches the scrotum, prostate or bladder.

Our anus – The person is swallowed by the anus and ends up in the rectum, colon, or stomach.

Reasons for VORE

As you can see from the subgroups, this is not just about diet; Being consumed and becoming part of something biggerSome believe it is an attempt to escape loneliness or fear by being with someone more powerful.

There are also strong undertones of submissiveness in many scenes – being helpless and controlled by a more powerful person (a cornerstone of many BDSM practices).

In addition, there can be Bondage, masochism, anthropomorphic creatures, pregnancy fetish, Hypoxemia (asphyxia fetish) or gigantism (fetish for very large people/giants).

I’m not saying that’s the whole reason. Like any quirk/fetish, the reasons why people like something are as unique as the person themselves.

Concepts similar to devouring outside of fetish

  • Eating the body of Christ – the fusion of the divine and the mortal.
  • little Red Riding Hood
  • Greek god Cronus eating his children
  • Attack on Titan (can be considered hardcore)
  • There are countless other stories or folk tales that talk about monsters or spirits eating humans.

achive dreams

It is considered a relatively harmless fetish because it is impossible to act out – either through pure size difference, or through a degree of fantasy elements, magical details, or physical modification. Instead, phagocytophiles rely on stories, fan art, custom video games, and other media to satisfy their desires.

interesting – I came across an advice columnist who recommended using a sleeping bag filled with thick liquid to simulate the feeling of being in the stomach.

So, it’s worth thinking twice before you say “you look delicious”.

If you want more fetish articles, check out these:

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