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What is caning? Ancient punishment and modern quirk

What is caning? Ancient punishment and modern quirk

If you actually type the word “what is thrash” into Google, you’ll find all sorts of results — from Irish folk punk bands to a ton of dictionary definitions:

  • Sell ​​or offer for sale
  • Work hard
  • Beating with a whip or stick as punishment

Until you see the video, you’ll realize that the BDSM version is closer to number 3 on the definition list. In addition, we must add “For the reward” If we want to take things further into a twisted realm.

We’ll get to the best part soon.

But first, a little history…

Whipping in history The dark and dangerous side of leather and whips

Hitting people hard with long, strong sticks probably dates back to when humans were adept at using their fingers and opposable thumbs to grip any stick they could get their hands on.

However, attaching the long leather straps to the handles required a bit more ingenuity. and then Beat up someone.

Since then, humans have been frantically incorporating it into their already extensive menu of corporal punishment, testosterone-fuelled behaviour or religious fervour.

For example:

Romans – Before crucifying people, they would whip them, but sometimes they would add pieces of metal or bones to the ends of the whip, which would cause severe trauma to the body.

England – The thief was whipped near the scene of the crime.

USA – Whipping slaves.

European Armies – Punishment for violating military regulations in the 18th centuryday and 19day century.

Napoleonic Wars– British soldiers sometimes had to endure more than 1,000 lashes.

Roman Catholic – There are monks practicing self-flagellation everywhere.

What is caning? Ancient punishment and modern quirk 1721944377 821 What is caning Ancient punishment and modern quirk

Black Death – The Church allowed people to be flagellated to “cleanse themselves from sin” and avoid illness.

Caning is not just for torture…

  • The ancient Greeks were flogged before competing in the Olympics.
  • In Sparta, priestesses would whip men to make them more masculine.
  • The Greeks and Romans believed that whipping the buttocks with nettles would promote fertility.

Modern corporal punishment

Yes, this shit still happens.

While most countries have banned such extreme behavior, Iran still uses flogging to punish a range of “crimes,” including stealing, homosexual behavior, drinking alcohol, blasphemy and… yes, kissing in public. PDA can let you 100 lashes and a trip to the hospital.

In addition, one branch of Islam (the Shia) still parades through the streets once a year, beating themselves with chains and cutting themselves with razor blades.

This extreme form of caning is banned in most places, however, it still occurs in some places, even in the United States and Australia.

Caning and BDSM

If someone announces “I like to be whipped” 99% of the time, the reaction will be varying degrees of an uncomfortable “ooh” followed by wide eyes and a silent suspicion that you have a mental disorder.

The remaining 1% of the time, people are either curious.

99% of people also want to know, “Why do you like that?”

Not sure what BDSM is? Take your first lesson here:

What yes BDSM? 6 Basic Concepts for Beginners

To do this subject well and practice any justice, The answer is never short. Because the long answer involves understanding how the body and brain handle pain as well as the psychological aspects of submission and domination.

One of the key factors is dopaminewhich appears in the body both in pain and in pleasure. Many people think this may be one of the reasons why we are able to combine pain and pleasure in a single situation.”

Some other chemicals released by the body include: Endorphins, serotonin, melatonin, adrenaline, and norepinephrine.

All of these help Rebalancing our bodies When we feel physical or emotional stress. Think of it like working out – we run and build muscle to the point of pain, but the body rewards us with that “high” we get after lifting weights.

But that’s not enough; otherwise, most fitness centers would have a BDSM bar next to it.

Caning, safety and consent

Submission brings the freedom of release, while domination brings power. Role-playing your fantasies (which is common in the bedroom with many varying degrees of kink) can be completely arousing.

However, the biggest difference between caning and BDSM is The power/intention dynamic.

The Romans simply did not care about the people they harmed. The purpose of the attacks was to cause pain, not the pleasure of the warp.

What is caning? Ancient punishment and modern quirk 1721944377 950 What is caning Ancient punishment and modern quirk

There is no contract (verbal or otherwise), no pre-fight communication, no safe words, no discussion of health issues, no practice and research by guards/soldiers on how to strike properly, no careful observation during the actual whipping, no aftercare, and no respect.

One of my favorite BDSM quotes is…

“In BDSM, one word can stop the pain. In sadism, a million words can’t stop it.”

besides The misconception that all caning is extremely severe And makes the recipient cry.

indeed, Some Some people like a strong sensation, but others prefer a light one, and still others may like anything in between.

Everything is fine and everything is acceptable. You decide what you want and what will make you happy, and if not doing it will make you happy, then more power to you.

Want to get kinky? You need a safe word. Learn more here:

What is a safeword? The basics of kink communication

BDSM Punishment Whipping

What is caning? Ancient punishment and modern quirk 1721944378 864 What is caning Ancient punishment and modern quirk

Do some BDSM relationships use whipping as punishment?

Yes, but anyone launching an attack should use Control, care and attention Correct the behavior (rather than angrily doing something that scares someone).

Do I personally want to be punished in this way while having fun? No. It’s not my business. But the couple should agree on it beforehand. And, as long as it follows the guidelines of “safe, sane, consensual and sober”, it’s their business.

All of this doesn’t even touch on the topic of the whip itself – things like material, tassel length, etc… that’s a whole different topic that we’ll save for another day.

notes: If you don’t like whipping, or you want something more beginner friendly, You could try some simple spanking…

Learn everything you need to know in this detailed guide:

Spanking Erotica – Spanking the Right Way

Do you know any other interesting facts about caning (BDSM or otherwise)? Share them in the comments!

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