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What I learned this year on SPSP’s sexual behavior

What I learned this year on SPSP’s sexual behavior

Last month, we held the pre-select for the 12th SPSP sexual behavior in Denver, Colorado. We’re lucky to have Sexual Health Alliance (Headquartered in Denver!) As the title sponsor of our event, we are even more fortunate to have sex researchers from all over the world join us. Our day was filled with research related to sex and sex, awesome conversations between sex researchers, and some incredible giveaways (more on that later). In this blog, I will discuss three things I’ve learned from some of the research I’ve proposed this year.

Giveaways and draws available during pre-selecting periods.

#1: Psychedelics can help treat sexual and relationship problems

The theme of this year’s conference was “Roke Mountain High: Sex, Drugs, and Science,” paying tribute to the conference location and highlighting research on the topic (Colorado is the first state in the United States to legalize marijuana, and Denver is the first city to decriminalize psilocybin). Knowledge of how to use psychedelics during keynote speeches with sex therapy Dr. Jim Griggsby. Jim taught us about the chemical composition of 3,4-methyldimethylmethamphetamine (more commonly known as MDMA), which may be beneficial during sexual and relationship therapy, given its ability to help change fear memory.[1] Here, psychedelic drugs like MDMA may be particularly useful in treating previous sexual and relationship trauma.

Further research highlights the benefits of psilocybin, which is also a natural psychedelic drug in more than 200 different mushrooms, in terms of therapeutic and relationship issues. For example, one study found a positive connection between individuals using psychedelic drugs and their overall well-being. Specifically, people using psilocybin mushrooms experience increased sexual pleasure, better communication during sex, and satisfaction with sexual and romantic partners.[2]

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, you can also Check out our podcast episodes with Jeff Lundgrenhe published a book about psychedelic assisted sexual therapy!

#2: Help people believe that the performance of a plan actually makes the planned sex life great

One of the sexual advice that often provides couples who try to make time for intimacy is to “do sex on time.” However, many people think spontaneous sex is more fun, exciting and sexy, while planned sex (or scheduled sex) removes some of the appeal.

Given the benefits of planned relationships for relationships, it seems important to change people’s beliefs surrounding planned behavior. Previously, we heard about research from doctoral student Katarina Kovacevic Shared lab About this topic. In their study, participants were instructed to have sex with their partners, reminded them of the benefits of planning for sexuality, and then asked to report their sexual experiences over the past three weeks. Participants in this study were parents with children, which reflected a population that often had difficulty finding time to get close to a partner, especially spontaneous.

The biggest takeaway from this speech is that it reminds people of the benefits of planning, which is very useful for their relationships and overall sex life! Planned “ensure[s] This gender happens, especially for couples who are overwhelmed by other things they might be going on. Great sex can be spontaneous or planned. It’s all about your mindset!

#3: Couples who have sex often have more labor splits

For my third harvest, we turned to another project Shared labthis time it was proposed by MA student Akshita Uppot. Akshita talks to us in the data blitz, explaining how sex people change in someone’s life and why the number of sex people may vary From couples to couples.

The results of this study show that while everyone’s sexual frequency seems to be decreasing in their lives, some maintain a very different frequency within this decline range. For example, over the course of five years, people who started with sex once a month or less may have a decrease in the number of sex times a day compared to those who started with sex twice or three times a week.

However, we also learn that perhaps no surprise that the most common sexual behaviors of couples are young and have no children. However, one of the most important gains from this speech was the discovery that couples who had sex at least weekly reported more equality in labor splits than couples who had sex less than once a week. Here we see how relationship fairness plays an important role in sexual frequency and related sexual satisfaction. When family work becomes very biased, a partner who does more labor can become too stressful to be sexually hungry or interested in sexuality. Staying fair may open up more opportunities for more connections.

bonus! #4: Pre-selected Sexual Behavior is the Best Sponsor

What I learned this year on SPSP’s sexual behavior IMG 7739

Each attendee’s “stolen bag” and its contents.

I mentioned earlier that we had some incredible giveaways for this year’s sexual behavior conference. Thanks to some great sponsors, we are able to offer Each Participate in the swag bag, filled with sexy supplies to take home. These packages include lubricant samples, playing cards and fixtures Astrologicallubrication, condoms and stickers Morefrom havewearable protection Loralscondoms and lining Winx Healthand vibrator Plus. We can also extract some products from it Popstar There are also some high-end sex toys lovehoney Go home with some lucky winners. Finally, generosity Sexual Health Alliance Enabled the highest-ranked seminar introduction, data lightning meter presentation and poster research awards. Thanks to all our sponsors!

We hope to see you next year on sex in Chicago! Learn more here and mark your calendar!

If you have your own sex problem, please Answer on a blog or podcast.

Want to learn more about Sex and Psychology? Click here More information about the blog or here Listen to the podcast. follow Sex and Psychology exist FacebookTwitter (@Justin Lehmiller), Brucekyor reddit Receive updates. You can also follow Dr. Lehmiller Youtube and Instagram.

Title picture made of canvas. Image credits for Dr. Justin Raimler.

refer to

1: Hake, HS, Davis, JKP, Wood, RR, Tanner, MK, Loetz, EC, Sanchez, A., Ostrovskyy, M., Oleson, Eb, Eb, Grigsby, J., Doblin, R. , & Greenwood, & Greenwood, BN (2019). 3,4-methyldimethylmethamphetamine (MDMA) impairs the extinction and reintegration of fear memory in rats. Physiology and behavior,,,,, 199343–350.

2: Barba, t. , Kettner, h. , Radu, c. , Peill, Roseman, L. , Nutt, DJ, Erritzoe, d. , Carhart-Hart, R. , & Girbald, b. Psychedelic and sexual function: A mixed plant study. Scientific Reports,,,,, 14(1), 1-16.

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