There are orgasms and then there are ORGASMS! The big O! For some they are earth shattering, for others they are a little release. Orgasms exist on a spectrum, they vary from person to person, but one thing everyone can agree on is that orgasms are the cherry on top of a very delicious cake. In fact, in French, orgasms are known as “petite mort” which doesn’t sound very nice when you think about it. However, oddly enough, some people describe orgasms as an external body experience, so maybe “petite mort” is the perfect name.
To better understand what orgasms feel like, a 1970 study asked college students to describe their orgasms. Most of the descriptions involved a pleasant release of accumulated tensions, experienced as an explosion of sensations, sometimes bordering on ecstasy, and finally a wave of warmth, peace and relaxation. Although orgasms are similar, they differ between genders. In men, the refractory period is a major difference. After having an orgasm, men go through a period of inactivity during which they are unable to have an erection or another orgasm, but this only lasts for a certain amount of time. Men literally only have one orgasm, while women can have multiple orgasms in a single session.
What does an orgasm feel like?
In general, orgasms are a sudden, vivid burst of pleasure after a period of increasing stimulation and pleasurable sensations.
The female orgasm has four stages:
1. Arousal, the build-up of erotic tension usually achieved through foreplay.
2. The plateau is the concentration of pleasant feelings and an increase in tension.
3. Orgasm, the feeling of bursting and release of sexual tension, combined with the release of several different hormones.
4. Resolution is the “afterglow” combined with the release of melatonin.
Men also have the same four stages leading to ejaculation during an orgasm. Arousal, when the penis fills with a high volume of blood, giving him an erection. Plateau, is when the body prepares for an orgasm – usually 30 seconds to 2 minutes before he’s ready to explode. His heart rate increases, his muscles tense and contract, and pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-cum) cleans the urethra and prepares it for sperm. Orgasm occurs with ejaculation; incredibly intense contractions in the muscles of the penis that propel the sperm out in short bursts. Resolution, shortly after orgasm, all that muscular tension begins to fade, blood drains from the man’s penis, and he begins to lose his erection.
Although male orgasm is primarily related to ejaculation, women can experience orgasm in different ways. The combination of different sensations and the activation of the pleasure centers of the brain are different for every woman. That is why the question “What does it feel like to have an orgasm?” differs from woman to woman.
The four main ways women experience orgasm are clitoral, vaginal, blend And nipple.
Clitoral orgasm
Clitoral orgasm is the most common type of female orgasm, achieved by stimulation of the glans of the clitoris. A clitoral orgasm can be vivid and intense, usually short-lived, and can feel like an explosion in some people.
Vaginal orgasm
Vaginal orgasm involves the G-spot, a sensitive area inside the vagina located about halfway up the anterior wall. Not all women experience vaginal orgasm, although it can be possible for all. Vaginal orgasms usually occur during intercourse and can last longer and feel more like a full-body orgasm rather than a clitoral orgasm. They are generally not as intense as clitoral orgasms.
Mixed orgasm
Blended orgasm is defined as a clitoral and vaginal orgasm that occur at the same time. The intensity of a clitoral orgasm accompanies the deeper, more immersive pleasure of a vaginal orgasm.
Nipple orgasm
Finally, nipple orgasms happen when your nipples are aroused, sending a message to your genital sensory cortex. This is the same part of the brain that is in charge of genital stimulation. Nipple orgasms are a wave of pleasure. The sensation spreads through your erogenous zones, building up until it crashes down onto your body.