Knowledge Dissemination

Toy Creativity


I had wanted to make this myself but to be honest I haven’t had the time but a couple of people have said they thought it was a good idea. I’ve seen a few fingertip vibrators but they all seem to basically cover the tip of your finger which means you can’t really feel what you’re doing. At first I thought it would only be of interest to men since women can apparently feel their clits but the people I told also said they thought it was a good idea. So went ahead with the idea. The basic plan is to find a way to turn your finger into a vibrator. My job is to repair phones and it occurred to me that phone vibration motors are really good at transmitting vibrations to the body of the phone. They’re also cheap so the idea was simple, a disposable toy which is basically a phone vibration motor connected to a small battery and controller, you stick it to your nail and that’s it, you now have a vibrating finger but you can still feel what you’re doing with it.

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