Knowledge Dissemination

Thoughts on Uberrime? (My order was wrong, which surprised me…


So, my fiancé ordered me the “Sensi Vaginal Plug”. We went all out and ordered three colors (my favorites). **Primary Color:** Pearl Aqua **Secondary Color:** Pearl Green **Accent Color:** Silver I fell in love with this color combination when I imagined the way they showed some examples of the three colors, like this:
[Purple, Bronze, and Green Example (image)](

[Red, Yellow, and Blue Example (image)]( However, when I received the toy a few days ago, it seemed to only have two colors. It seems like they made the primary color “Pearl Green” and the secondary color “Pearl Silver”. I also noticed that when I cleaned the toy after opening it, the shiny pigment in the silicone came off onto my hands. Is this normal for their toys to have this happen, or did something go wrong in the process of making the toy? My toy looks like this:
[How my toy came (image)](My fiancé has already contacted UberRime, but I wanted to share my experience here to see if anyone else has had this experience.

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