With more than 50% of women Using a vibrator these days (this number is probably much higher), one thing is for sure: our beloved vibrator toy is a very popular and much-loved pleasure device. While we use vibrators for many different reasons, we are generally looking for sexual satisfaction and release; an uncontrollable build-up of energy followed by a climactic ending. ORGASMS, all caps. But did you know that beyond the tried and true pleasure factor, vibrators can actually get you in the mood when sex is the last thing on your mind, And that they can increase your libido even when you’re not around one?
Think of it this way: Everyone loves a new toy. And when you get something new, it’s only natural to want to try it again and again. I mean, you have to perfect its use, right? That’s probably why sex toys are known as “toys”: they make you want to try it. play more.
So, for anyone looking for a way to increase their libido, a vibrator may be the perfect solution. And of course, anyone looking to give their partner’s libido a little boost might also want to consider the divine gift of good vibes.
Lesson 1: Vibrators Can Revive Your Heart Box
Whether solo or with a partner, many of us pull out our vibrators once we’re already at least a little bit aroused. After all, arousal is what drives us to use our vibrators, right? Well, not always. In reality, it can go both ways: Not only can vibrators enhance your already-present arousal, but it turns out they can also trigger your arousal when you’re, well, not excited (but you want to be).
Let’s face it: life is hard sometimes, and pleasure isn’t always an easy mountain to climb. Stress, trauma, health and lifestyle issues, and even the side effects of common medications can all get in the way of truly getting turned on. The best way to counteract these common sexual suppressants is to use a powerful sexual stimulant, like a vibrator, which, as many of us know, can act as a direct way to overcome stress and distraction in favor of arousal and the release of arousal. happy hormonesArousal happens when the conditions are right for our minds and bodies to work together, so a boost to one of your main pleasure centers might be just what the good doctor ordered.
Lesson 2: Vibrators Can Make You Horny more often
Vibrators can not only get your juices flowing instantly, but they can also dramatically increase your libido on a daily basis. Just like regular, enjoyable sex makes you want to get it as much as you can, a fantastic vibrator also makes you crave that sweet release even more. I mean, let’s be real, they are effective little love machines, and in some cases, bring women to orgasm in minutes, if not seconds. They do it fast. increase blood flow to your pelvic area and stimulating your most sensitive points SOThis in turn can help increase sexual arousal, engorgement and lubrication, not only in the moment, but also between uses, over the longer term.
Two studies from Indiana University showed that vibrator use was linked to a greater likelihood of orgasm, increased sexual desire, easier arousal, greater self-lubrication (meaning less discomfort during sex), and equal or greater sexual satisfaction compared to those who did not use vibrators.
Bottom line: Women who use vibrators often experience greater sexual satisfaction and ultimately desire to have sex more often. These two things are, of course, inextricably linked—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Lesson 3: A vibrator will not steal your partner’s attention
“I would feel guilty if I used a vibrator to stimulate myself because I have so little desire that I would have to share what I have with my partner.” If this sounds like you, let me set the record straight once and for all.
If your partner is worried that you might want your vibrator more than he does, there’s no risk of that happening (unless your relationship is failing for other reasons, of course). On the contrary, women who use vibrators regularly tend to crave sexual intimacy with their partners. more often. It wakes you up, so to speak. All of you.
Lesson 4: Good Vibes = Good Health
Fact: Increased blood flow to the pelvic area is essential for a healthy pussy. Improper blood flow can lead to thickening of the vagina and clitoris, which in turn can cause vaginal dryness, loss of elasticity, and even infection, which in turn can mean a decreased libido, decreased pleasure during sex, and even painful intercourse. You won’t want to have sex if it’s not a pleasurable experience, right?
Vibrators are great for increasing blood flow because of their small, fast-spinning motors. So they can play a role in keeping your vagina healthy and happy. True story: Doctors increasingly recommend vibrators because they understand that genital vibration is a potential treatment for all kinds of sexual health problems in women and men.
Bottom line: Beyond expensive drugs, special diets, and talk therapy, boosting your libido might be as simple as getting some shiny new toys. I say, why not try? You can thank me later. <3