Beaches can evoke inner peace, relaxation, and excitement. If sex on the beach sounds like an appealing proposition to you, you’re not alone. Hell, there’s even a cocktail named after it. What’s not to love? You’re surrounded by nature, exposed to the elements: wind, water, sand, sun, and perfectly placed to fully embody your wild animal personality.
Here’s the thing: you want to go into beach sex with 100% realistic expectations. Whereas in the movies, it’s always spontaneousromantic and magical, in real life you have to think about things like sand where the sun doesn’t shine (or at least where it doesn’t usually shine). That, and getting arrested.
This makes not This means that you can’t have sex on the beach, but you should prepare well in advance.
So before you start swaying to the waves, think about these very important do’s and don’ts of having sex on the beach:
DO: Make sure it’s legal.
While having sex in a semi-forbidden place is part of what makes the beach so hot, nothing ruins the mood more than getting fined for public indecency. And be very aware of the potential legal implications of your beach romp, especially if you’re in a foreign be arrested On vacation, it’s not super sexy (real handcuffs are way less sexy than furry ones, it turns out). Unless you own stretches of private shoreline, beach sex probably shouldn’t be a spontaneous act. This requires a little acknowledgement: Make sure you understand the laws that apply have sex in a public place.
DO: Choose your beach wisely.
If you’re tempted to play a quick game at a popular public beach, resist. The more secluded and private it is, the better. Look for a stretch of sand that’s secluded, preferably accessible only by a single entrance, so you can see who’s coming. Also look for an area that’s clean, free of debris, and relatively flat, and make sure you’re far enough away from the ocean that the tide won’t come in at an inopportune moment.
DO: Think easy access rather than sleek style.
When it comes to clothing, opt for functional and easy-accessible pieces. Opt for a sarong, stretchy shorts, a beach dress, or a flowy skirt. On the other hand, partners with a penis can wear shorts or a swimsuit that allows them to easily remove it. Also keep in mind that it’s probably best to try to keep as much clothing as possible for a quick getaway or to cover up if necessary.
DO: Be prepared.
To avoid getting sand or anything else in your vagina (which can cause yeast Or bacterial infections!), and increase your overall comfort level, prepare a small beach sex kit that includes a sand resistant or an oversized blanket (or three) and a compact towel. If you really want to go for the gold, you can even bring a portable beach hut (beach tent) for optimal coverage and protection from the sun. Plus, bring everything you know makes sex safer and more enjoyable for you: condoms, lubricant, toysAnd toy cleanerto name a few.
DO: Expand your definition of sex.
Many people still think about sex with penetration like the automatic gold standard, but it’s not. Anything erotic and pleasurable can be sexual, so don’t get hung up on it. Tease, speak vulgarlykissing, caressing and using your hands or mouth. More and more people are realizing how fantastic it is outdoor course can be, and when it comes to sex on the beach, this may be the way to go, as it may be easier to have a manual or oral sex under a blanket without drawing too much attention to yourself.
DO: Wait until the sun goes down.
Again, unless you’re on a private beach, there’s a risk of being seen, so you should probably wait until after dark. consentDon’t provide other beachgoers (and their children, potentially) with unwanted entertainment; they might be traumatized for life, after all. Plus, there’s the whole legality thing. Bottom line: nighttime is the time.
DO: Think about sex in water.
Having sex in a natural body of water how exhilarating an ocean can be, and will hide what’s going on beneath the surface. That said, don’t have sex in front of people, just don’t do it. Despite the natural appeal of the place, there’s unfortunately no way to know if the water will be clean or if it contains parasites, so do as much research as you can about the cleanliness of the water before you jump in.
DON’T DO IT: Using the wrong lubricant.
Use the right lubricant for your needs. Water-based lubricants are usually fine, but if you’re having sex in water, be aware that water-based lubricants wash off easily and water is not a suitable lubricant. So make sure you always have a silicone-based lubricant on hand, which makes a difference. And if you’re using condoms, avoid oil-based lubricants, as they break down latex.
DO NOT: Try uncomfortable, difficult or highly visible positions.
Sad but true: Not all beach sex positions are created equal. Instead of lying flat on the ground under a blanket (which will allow you to pretend you’re napping), opt for missionaryTo avoid getting sand in unwanted places, opt for positions that place your genitals as far away from the sand as possible, such as doggy style. Since this isn’t exactly the best position to avoid attracting attention, you can try the nap sex position: Simply get into a spoon position and then rock back and forth until you find the rhythm that works best for you. If you brought a beach chair, you can also try cowgirlWhatever you do, use a towel to cover yourself.
DON’T: Do it in the wind.
If it’s a really windy day, postpone your sexy beach plans, for the love of the goddess. Beach plus wind equals sand in your eyes, hair, and each orifice (like so many shards of glass), and it’s never sexy. The beach wind is not romantic when you’re horizontal, you heard it here first.
DON’T: Leave a mess.
Bring a pack of tissues to clean up afterward. If you use condoms, bring a small plastic bag to dispose of them in. No one deserves to lay eyes on (or set foot in) your post-coital scene. Plus, it’s really disrespectful to the environment, so be a responsible eco-savvy person and get rid of all the evidence.
DON’T: Get caught.
Don’t do it in the middle of the day. Don’t do it with people nearby, especially children. Don’t leave it too long (the urgency is part of the fun here anyway). Don’t ignore if you see someone watching or approaching, or filming from a distance, just stop. Wait until at least dark. Wait until the beach is deserted. Have fun, but keep an eye and ear out for other humans. Try not to moan audibly and keep your voice low. It’ll be so much more fun if you don’t get caught!
If you’re afraid of getting caught but still want to try sex on the beach, consider renting a beach house with a private strip of beach. Or do it in a tent at a campsite overlooking the beach. You’ll get the experience of sex on the beach without many of the risks.
Happy beach hunting to all you scandalous people out there! <3