All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.
He was going to live forever or die in the attempt.
Sex and porn addicts share certain characteristics. One of these common traits is that we fear intimate relationships but we continually search for them. When we’re in a relationship, we feel enmeshed and burdened. When we’re not in a relationship, we feel unwanted, unworthy, unlovable, and incomplete. This ‘Catch 22’ keeps us mired in our addiction. We seek validation and intimacy through sex, but then, when the other person gives us what we want, we head for the hills. For this reason, many of us find it difficult to have sex with the same person more than once. Sex is so compartmentalized for us that even a tiny amount of connection or intimacy is too much to handle. The good news is that part of recovery from sex and porn addiction is learning how to slowly integrate healthy, enjoyable, intimately connected sexual activity into our lives.
Task for Today
Think about the ways in which you’ve disconnected sex and emotional intimacy, and how you might go about reconnecting them.