All daily inspiration can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. This article is used with permission from the author.
Your views are your windows to the world. Wipe them off from time to time, or the light won’t come in.
In some quarters, there is a concern that sex and porn addiction therapists are attempting to be the “sex police,” imposing moral, cultural, or religious values on sexual behavior. Sadly, this concern is not unfounded; there are indeed some moralistic or highly religious therapists who abuse and misuse the sex addiction diagnosis, using it to marginalize and pathologize sexual behaviors that do not align with their personal or religious belief systems. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, recreational porn use, casual sex, polyamory, and fetishes—all of which fall squarely within the realm of “normal” and “healthy” adult sexuality—are sometimes misdiagnosed as sex or porn addiction. However, in reality, the things that turn people on have absolutely nothing to do with a sex or porn addiction diagnosis.
Today’s Task
Think about what you believe about what types of sexual behaviors are healthy and what are unhealthy. Do your beliefs align well with those of other people in your life?