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Science shows clutter affects wives more

In the messy room, a woman looked very stressed.

One of the common arguments in marriages is when the house or part of the house is too messy. Most of the time, the wife is upset with her husband for the mess.

A post on an Instagram group that calls itself the “number one community for psychology enthusiasts” explains why women are more sensitive to clutter than men. They say that clutter causes women’s brains to release cortisol faster and in greater amounts. This is because women have a more reactive limbic system, which makes them more sensitive to their surroundings. They go on to say that the brain associates clutter with chaos and a lack of control, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. Due to higher activity in brain areas associated with emotional processing, women are more likely to internalize these feelings.

In the messy room, a woman looked very stressed.

I haven’t tracked down all the science, but I know that much of it is based in fact. I can see it in my marriage and in the marriages of others I know.

What I am saying is that if you and your wife are normal people, then this is indeed a bigger issue for her than it is for you. It is more important to her than it is to you. When you ignore it, you are telling her that what she cares about is not important to you. It’s kind of like how some men feel that all their wives care about is sex!

Do the right thing. Do it because you love your wife or because it is the right thing to do, but do it.

Image credit: © Paul H Byerly Created using
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