Adult Topic Blogs

Our Motivation to Heal – Sex and Relationship Healing

Our Motivation to Heal – Sex and Relationship Healing

All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that planes take off against the wind, not with the wind.

Although we almost always need external help if we hope to heal, the first step in the healing journey is internal – deciding that we actually need help to break the addiction. Often, the reason for this willingness to enter the often difficult recovery process is that we have experienced negative consequences associated with sex. Often, our relationships, jobs, community status, or freedoms are at risk. Sometimes, our motivations are intrinsic; we just don’t like who we are and want to change. It doesn’t matter where the initial motivation for recovery comes from – even superficial remorse is a good start – as long as the motivation is there to some extent.

today’s task
Think about why you want to recover. Talk about the reasons you go to therapy, 12-step meetings, or with friends in recovery.

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