Adult Topic Blogs

No Slang 2023: How slang is impeding your sexual

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On a recent trip to the gynecologist, I was asked by a nurse to describe the pain I was experiencing in my “private parts.” Was she talking about my vagina? Labia? Breast? I had no way of knowing. Throughout the conversation, it was unclear if we were communicating about the same body parts because of her vague vocabulary and apparent discomfort talking about genitals. This failure to use anatomically accurate words to describe female genitals has become somewhat ubiquitous, showing itself in conversations with friends and even in a medical setting. Slang words like pussy, vajayjay, downstairs, private parts, crotch, honey pot, and beaver have become universal as a catchall phrase for all parts of female genitalia to the point that many people do not know the difference between the vagina and the vulva. I work with several clients who show embarrassment when I use words like clitoris and instead opt for euphemisms, such as “down there.” In pop culture, we feel comfortable with songs like WAP (Wet Ass Pussy), but rarely hear the word vulva on TV. So you might be wondering, does it matter what words we use to describe our sexual organs? What’s wrong with slang words if it is more comfortable for me?

How sexual slang is wreaking havoc without you even knowing it

Picture of a man holding his face while looking at his phone. Ridiculous slang terms for sexual health and body parts are not suitable for proper sexual wellness. A Plymouth, MN sex therapist can help you near 55447 | 55441 | 55442

It is not your fault, sexual slang is everywhere

Before we get to the solution, I want to convey to you that this isn’t your fault! Discomfort around talking about genitals, particularly female genitals, is deeply ingrained in our society and starts at a young age. Think about how your parents talked to you when you were growing up and started to show curiosity about your body. I often hear parents tell their children not to touch their “no-no parts” in public, or not to reveal their “private square” to strangers. Although children continue to develop both physically and emotionally, their vocabulary for genitals plateaus with slang words and euphemisms. This is only exacerbated by an abysmal sexual education system that often leaves children with fear of STIs and pregnancies and without a comprehensive understanding of their own bodies and anatomy. Not only does this leave us at a disadvantage in sex therapy and healthcare settings, but it also breeds shame about our bodies. If you can’t name your vagina, how can you expect to accept, appreciate, and even love it?

Tips to improve your sexual lingo!

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