When you hear mutual masturbation Do you have flashbacks to sex ed classes in an old gym? I do. I remember hearing that “this was an option we could consider using instead of sex in order to stay abstinent.” Well, let me assure you, it’s much more sexier than the program suggests.
So what exactly is it?
Mutual masturbation It’s when two or more people engage in sexual pleasure in each other’s presence. Basically, it involves playing with yourself while your partner(s) watches or plays with themselves at the same time. They can be anywhere, right next to you or halfway around the world on FaceTime.
Contrary to what Sex Ed may have told you, there aren’t many rules here. Want to add toys, lube, and stream porn? Go for it! There’s no limit—in fact, there’s no limit. As with anything, you set the limit. Set your own boundaries and remember to listen to your partner(s).
Why should you consider doing it?
It is good for the healt
Masturbation in any form, whether alone or with a partner, is in good physical and mental healthMasturbating regularly can help relax muscles, improve sleep, release endorphins and reduce stress.
This can be foreplay and/or the main event
With mutual masturbation you can connect sexually with your partner without actually having oral Or penetrative sex. It can be amazing when you’re tired after a long day at work, if you don’t like sex on your period, if you’re just starting out with sex with a new partner or after a trauma, or in any sort of situation where you might just want to please yourself without actually doing it.
Mutual masturbation can also be great for partners with different sex drives or if your partner is Asexual and they usually don’t want intense sex. Whatever the reason, masturbating together can be the perfect solution to what you’re craving. But if you’re craving more, it can be a great appetizer for the main course. It’s sure to warm everyone up and set the perfect mood.
Fun is almost guaranteed and you learn
Who knows your body better than you? Maybe you’ll join them after watching you play with yourself. Mutual masturbation It’s a win-win situation. You get the simple joy of satisfying yourself or watching your partner get satisfied, and in the process, you also learn what they really like. For many people, especially women, sex with penetration Isn’t that always the case? do it For them, adding masturbation helps ensure that pleasure is at the center of your sex time. And after careful observation, each partner is sure to pick up on a few things like certain finger movements or speed choices that their partner loves. This will of course help make all aspects of your sex life more authentic and enjoyable for everyone.
It is likely that this will increase intimacy.
Masturbation is a very private, personal experience. Opening up this sacred practice and sharing it with someone can be deeply intimate. Watching your lover as they writhe in pleasurable sensations and having them watch you back can often be even more connecting than riding each other. Maybe it’s the vulnerability? It feels honest and very sensual. Maybe it’s the fact that you can see all of them and they can see you. Either way, it works.
Safe sex is great and mmutual masturbation is much safer than any other type of sex. With MM, If you only engage in solo petting while observing yourself, you run no risk of conception, pregnancy and/or transmission of STDs/STIs.
However, if you plan on using your hands and/or shared toys to pleasure yourself, these risks are slightly increased but still low. To avoid any risk, consider using latex gloves and/or condoms on your fingers/toys.
Long distance friendly
Keeping your sex life alive when you’re in a long-distance relationship or when one partner is traveling can be difficult. However, mutual masturbation can be easily explored simply by joining a video call. Cybersex with a partner can get surprisingly steamy and is a must when time and space are at a premium.
So how do you start?
Whether you choose virtual or in-person training MM, Here are some tips for creating the perfect atmosphere.
– Find a safe, private space that you feel comfortable in. Think your bed, your couch, or even your bathtub.
– Make sure you have clean, charged toys on hand. We all know the pain of reaching for a vibrator only to have it die moments after turning it on.
– Dim the lights and consider lighting a candle. This can help if you feel any shyness.
– Play light background music to create the perfect mood.
– For virtual play: Hold your phone or laptop and make sure you are using a direct video line, like Facetime or WhatsApp.
– Finally, talk to your partner. Keep checking in with him and yourself to make sure everyone feels comfortable.