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Jelqing 101 – A Lie? Or Does It Really Make Your Penis

Jelqing 101 - A Lie? Or Does It Really Make Your Penis

Men and women, I’m sure you’ve seen dozens of “male enhancement” ads appear in your inbox, spam, or as a pop-up barrage.

These “bigger, better, longer” promises spread rapidly through the connectivity and anonymity of the Internet – targeting men’s insecurities about penis size just as women do about weight, breasts, or nose size.

One of these “natural and reliable” promises is jelqing.

Let’s see what it is, how it works, and if it actually works…

What is milking?

Jelqing (pronounced: jel-king) is a Natural penis enlargement technology is rooted in ancient middle East.

The basic method is to stroke your penis to increase blood flow to the tip, which can (allegedly) correct angles, weaknesses, and improve girth and length by:

Does it really work?

Let’s explore the controversial aspects of this topic.

A. Some people swear on their mother’s grave that it works, and you can get some noticeable differences — like a 10% increase in length, a 7% increase in girth, and so on.

B. The other side says it doesn’t work and can be dangerous for male members.

C. Then there are those in the middle who say it won’t make your penis longer, but it will make it thicker, give you stronger erections, and give you better blood flow.

It is indisputable that There is no actual scientific evidence to support this – only anecdotes. It’s like there’s this craze in China that papaya can make your breasts bigger – every woman who’s tried it swears it works, and you should too.

How do you perform milking?

  • Warm up Warm the penis with a hot shower, heating pad, warm towel, etc.
  • There is one Semi-relaxed Penis (about 50-70%)
  • Add to Water-based lubricant (For fluid stroke)
  • Make one The “OK” gesture Use your index finger and thumb
  • Wrap the O-shaped object around the penis according to
  • Aim your penis at a comfortable Downward angle
  • Squeeze slowly and gently Push your hand to the tip of the penis
  • Repeat for 10-20 minutes, once a day, three times a week

Other tips I’ve seen:

  • A single hit usually takes about 3 seconds to complete.
  • Do not squeeze the gland or force blood into the gland
  • In general, don’t squeeze too hard.
  • You can use one hand or both hands alternately
  • Hold the base to avoid stretching the skin
  • Never do it with a full erection
  • Your goal is not to ejaculate
  • There shouldn’t be any pain

side effect

Jelqing 101 - A Lie? Or Does It Really Make Your Penis Jelqing 101 A Lie Or Does It Really Make

If done correctly, your penis size may increase. Or it may not.


There is no doubt that if you do the wrong thing, you will hurt yourself.

Broken capillaries – If you try too hard or too fast, you may break small blood vessels, which can cause red spots on your penis. These red spots will heal and go away, but it is something you should avoid.

solution – If you are training for a marathon, don’t try to run 10 miles on the first day if you can’t even run a mile. Initial workouts should be around 10 minutes, or even shorter if you are not comfortable. Gradually work your way up to a training session slowly.

Doughnuts – Obviously there may be some swelling around the gland but this will subside after a few hours.

solution – Don’t stop mid-trip. Make sure you complete every leg to maintain “proper blood circulation”.

scar – Yes. Scars. Personally, I think this side effect is wishful thinking, “you will grow too big, the skin will stretch and leave scars” – but if you see scars forming, I dare say it’s not caused by the growth.

solution – Stop milking?

“Complementary” JELQING technology

Penis Pump – Using a penis pump before and/or after milking is said to improve milking results because it improves blood flow. While a penis pump can certainly make the penis a little bigger temporarily, I’m not sure if “pushing it to the limit of blood flow” is wise.

Stretching exercises – Sorry, I cringe at this. It actually grabs your penis glands and pulls upward. Either that, or wear a “penis stretcher” overnight. I won’t go into more detail. If you really want to know more, talk to your doctor. A real doctor.

Kegel exercisesI couldn’t agree more with this! Why? Because they have been medically proven to be beneficial.

Jelqing 101 - A Lie? Or Does It Really Make Your Penis 1722031963 762 Jelqing 101 A Lie Or Does It Really Make

Kegel exercises are done by flexing the muscles you use when you “stop peeing” (women can do them, too).

They are useful for improving bladder control, stopping urine dripping, and increasing the duration of erections.

How to do it? Do Kegel flexion exercises first, then stroke, flex, stroke, flex and stroke, etc.

The truth about penis size

Men deal with their own share of societal pressures every day, and penis size is one of the biggest. What men don’t realize is that a big penis isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

#1. A penis that is too large often has flaccidity problems. There is not enough blood to completely fill the penis, which ends up causing a semi-erection (which will not produce any effect during intercourse).

#2. Men with full bodies often have trouble finding a partner because Their length often hurts their partners (No one wants their cervix destroyed).

Side note: “Size queens” usually only appear in porn. In real life, the proportion of such ladies is smaller.

#3. Many men fall into the “average” category (which is good enough if you know what you’re doing) But they think they are small – Imagine a woman who is slim but only thinks she is overweight.

#4. You don’t need to have an elephant-sized penis to please a woman.

Most women don’t orgasm from penetration anyway! If you really want to pleasure her, Learn how to target her G-spot or become a cunnilingus master!

Read these articles to learn more:

Learn How to Pick Up Girls – 14 Pro Tips

10 Tips to Make a Girl Squirt – Make Her Reach the Ultimate Orgasm

in conclusion

While the milking method (if done correctly) won’t irreparably harm you, there’s no real evidence that it will give you the results you crave.

You may be more suitable for weight loss, Kegel exercises, and understanding women real think.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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