Adult Topic Blogs

Is Online Sex Therapy in Minnesota Right for Me?

Picture of a young multiracial couple researching online sex therapy in Minnesota with an online sex therapist near them in Plymouth, MN, the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, and elsewhere in the state of Minnesota. 55369 | 55361 | 55391


First let’s answer the question: what is sex therapy?

There can often be misconceptions about sex therapy and to put it simply, sex therapy is just like normal therapy except we’re addressing sexual topics. Just like in standard therapy, we take everything at a pace that will feel safe and comfortable for everyone involved. We recognize that starting therapy can already be challenging enough and we take the increased vulnerability that comes with talking about sex very seriously. Sex therapy is a specialty and I always like to mention that our therapists are foundationally trained as general therapists. This means that we can help with whatever other issues may be a part of your sexual concerns as well, whether that is anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship distress, or just about anything else. We like to focus on sexual concerns because that’s what you’re coming to us for, but don’t be afraid to mention other concerns as well. 

Here are just a few examples of what you might want to address in sex therapy:

Getting Started with Online Sex Therapy in Minnesota

Meeting a new therapist can be tough. To start we offer free 30-minute consultations to make sure you feel like your therapist is a good fit for you. Once you’ve found your therapist, they’ll take a detailed life history to ensure your treatment is tailored to fit your needs as well as your values. We’ll talk openly and without shame about any and all sexual concerns you may have. One common myth about sex is that it should just be easy and happen smoothly and naturally. Human sexuality is incredibly complicated, especially when we start mixing our own with one or more partners. We can help you better understand your own sexuality as well as how to effectively communicate about it with a partner.

How Long Will Sex Therapy Take?

Picture of a young multiracial couple researching online sex therapy in Minnesota with an online sex therapist near them in Plymouth, MN, the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, and elsewhere in the state of Minnesota. 55447 | 55441 | 55442

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees on how much time therapy will take. It depends on what your concern is as well as many other factors. I can say that research has extensively shown that just signing up for therapy can begin to make things feel better. Knowing that you’re actively addressing concerns and making progress on goals does a lot to alleviate the strain of sexual problems. Your therapist will also give you new tools and skills to begin reducing the negative impact of any sexual concerns. Some therapy lasts 6 weeks and some therapy can take years. You can begin and quit therapy at any time, there are no contracts locking you into a certain number of sessions.

Sexual Enrichment Through Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy Online or In-Person?

Woman doing research on her phone and laptop about online sex therapy in Minnesota with a Plymouth, MN based online sex therapist near Minneapolis, MN, Twin Cities, and throughout the state of Minnesota to help with sexual concerns. 55311 | 55305 | 55343

What are you waiting for? Begin Online Sex Therapy in Minnesota.

Other Sexual Wellness and Sex Therapy Services in Minnesota

We’re thrilled to be named one of the “Top 20 Sex Therapy Blogs You Need to Follow”!!!

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