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Is hiding emotions a healthy habit?

hide your emotions

hide your emotions

Is there anything wrong with hiding your emotions? There was no concrete answer to this. However, emotions are abstract and therefore require expression. We cannot see them or touch them, we can only feel them. In other words, hiding them may not really be a healthy habit.

To better understand the impact of hiding emotions, there are many metaphors and analogies that can be used to illustrate.

Imagine walking with a heavy load on your back. What effect will it have? Will it restrict your movements? In other words, it’s difficult to move forward when you’re stuck in your emotions.

Imagine you grab a hot object and hold on to it for several minutes when you should put it down. The emotional consequences of holding on are to burn you and cause you so much discomfort, pain and suffering.

Imagine holding on to something that causes you pain and discomfort, holding on to a hurtful past, not letting go of past betrayals, hurt and pain that can leave you trapped in regret forever.

Imagine you are carrying a heavy burden that makes you feel heavy and then refuse help from others. Holding on to your emotions will keep you hungrily burdened, even if there is a chance for relief.

Contrary to what some people assume, emotional instability does not occur as a result of expressing one’s emotions. But it’s important to know when to let things out or keep things inside, as hiding your emotions can lead to mental disorders.

Is hiding emotions a healthy habit? Before answering this question further, we must discuss some of the reasons why people hide their emotions.

Why do people hide their emotions?

Fear of vulnerability:

This is one of the main reasons why people hide their emotions. No one wants to show weakness to avoid being stepped on or taken for granted.

It’s a common saying in relationships that once you express your feelings to someone, no matter how they feel about you, they will take it for granted. While this may not be a subjective fact, there is a grain of truth in it. It’s human nature to value something when the chance or likelihood of owning it is perceived to be low.

Fear of vulnerability is another major reason why people try to overcome familiarity in relationships. Everyone wants to feel needed and desired. Many people complain that their partner or spouse loses interest once their feelings become so transparent. Another common complaint is that once their partner discovers that they have strong feelings for them, they intentionally hurt their feelings.


This especially affects men. Due to their psychological nature, every man wants to be seen as independent and adventurous, which can enhance their sense of self and make them feel respected among friends, family, and the opposite sex.

Ability to solve their problems without involving anyone else. In order to maintain their status, they would rather wallow in their pain than vent it.

Most of the time, this attitude is based on society’s affirmation of men, and everyone sees men as a pillar that others can rely on, regardless of their own pain and burden.

Therefore, in order to maintain this status, they become self-absorbed and hide their emotions from time to time.

Fear of being judged.

In some parts of society, it is ridiculous for women to express their feelings towards men because men are often referred to as “hunters”.

We generally believe that men should pursue women, not the other way around.

A man should make the first move, a man should chase a woman until she catches him (i.e. becomes interested in him). This is how the universe was created, but despite this, this fact may still be subjective, but unfortunately, society never thinks so. Many women have a crush on a man that they would like to open up to, but the fear of rejection due to our stereotype of men being hunters always makes them take back their decision.

Most people would rather absorb the feeling until it goes away naturally, or find ways to give the green light to the person they like without seeming desperate, rather than expressing their feelings directly.

Fear of rejection.

This affects both genders. Rejection is our natural phobia. No matter how confident and courageous you are, rejection will always make you question your worth.

Rejection, like denial, is the result of incompetence. This can lead to low self-esteem. In relationships, some people will never express their feelings unless they are sure the recipient feels the same way.

Past hurtful experiences.

Past traumatic experiences can cause people to hide their emotions, and the trauma can be accompanied by pain and resentment that makes it difficult to let go.

A man who has had a bad experience with a woman may find it difficult to trust women in subsequent relationships, or may find it difficult to enter any other relationship, or vice versa.

Many women decide that a man is a scumbag after disclosing their feelings and feelings, only to be dumped in the end. So they vowed never to express their feelings until they were sure it was mutual.

hide your emotions
Hiding your emotions is either a bad or healthy habit.

Why hiding your emotions is not a healthy habit, and subtle ways to express them without getting hurt.

You might meet a nice guy.

Hiding your emotions will prevent you from meeting someone who values ​​you and treats you well. It’s normal to shut down your feelings after going through some traumatic experiences in relationships,

However, this is a limiting factor, especially if you are still optimistic about making a difference. It’s a mistake to base your assumptions about gender or facts on experiences when you haven’t met thousands of other good people. With this assumption, when you meet good people, you become myopic and fail to recognize their positive aspects. Or you may have doubts even when there is sufficient evidence or compelling facts.

Taking back your interest isn’t always the answer, but giving yourself time to heal and reflect on past experiences will help you learn how to deal with the aftermath. Experience should not hurt you, but shape you.

You will give others the wrong impression of you.

Hiding your emotions may give people the wrong idea about you. It’s understandable that after a bad experience in the past, you might be trying to protect yourself from further harm, however, they might misinterpret it and think you’re being cruel and mean.

You don’t have to completely shut down your emotions or make yourself otherwise inaccessible to avoid getting hurt. The best way to protect yourself without hiding your emotions is to love, study, and observe others from a distance before opening up to them about your emotions or feelings.

Limit assistance when you need it

This especially affects people who hide their emotions just to enhance their ego or attract self-confidence.

No man is an island, regardless of gender. Sometimes people fall into depression because they are too focused on themselves and seek help from others. They don’t want others to know that they are weak and vulnerable. Therefore, they prefer to hide their pain rather than seek help.

While this may sound appropriate, it’s important to understand that there’s a fine line between pride and confidence.

Pride means projecting an inauthentic identity in order to maintain an impressive status, while confidence means embracing reality and being transparent and open to new adventures and more knowledge while maintaining your self.

That’s confidence when you ask for help in other ways to improve your life. It’s pride when you’d rather get stuck or be sucked into something because you want to prove a point.

You can’t move on.

Hiding your emotions reduces your chances of moving on to the next stage of your life. The more you hold on to past hurts, the harder it will be to experience progress in life.

Carrying pain and suffering over a long period of time can lead to chronic depression. You will have more opportunities pass you by simply because your assumptions were based on an experience that was not good for you. It also changes a person’s inner peace and stability.

People who find it difficult to let go or forgive their offenders are among the saddest people in life, and they are easily triggered by anything because they have a huge burden built up in their hearts from unforgiveness.

This affects all aspects of their lives, including their relationships with others. By letting go, you are paving the way for new expectations, new adventures, and blissful experiences in the future. Hiding your emotions without even realizing it can become a thorn in your side.

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