Knowledge Dissemination

If you have a penis/testicles, wear a strap-on/harness.


Ok little story, sometimes my dick is not in the mood to work but I really still want to use it and recently I came up with the idea of ​​a comfy harness or straps as an alternative. In my search all I could find were generic and weirdly low quality “male” strap-ons that either had no room for the testicles or had crappy elastic riveted to the toy (which oddly seemed to be of unreliable quality .) Can anyone recommend a device to me? Can accommodate the smallest of ball crushes, as well as removable parts that need cleaning or parts that are of sufficient quality to withstand cleaning, haha. I had no education in sexual intercourse in general, let alone how to use it if there was trash on the road. Any suggestions?

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