Have you ever come so hard that you went a little deaf? Maybe your ears were ringing too. Temporarily, I mean? Maybe you were lying there panting, hands on your head, unable to hear your own “oh my god” or your lover’s sweet post-coital words.
For some people, the post-orgasmic experience includes temporary hearing loss and/or tinnitus (a ringing in the ears). And, contrary to popular belief – judging by tons of anecdotal evidence, anyway – it’s a fairly common phenomenon (among men And (women too, but especially in women). That said, we may never know how common this phenomenon is unless a population study is undertaken, because, so far, no one has done one. While there are thousands of scientific papers on hearing loss and tinnitus, and hundreds of papers on female orgasm, there is virtually nothing that establishes a link between the two.
It should be noted that hearing is not the only sense that people lose after orgasm. According to one study, about 1.2% of sexually active people suffer from a disorder called orgasm synesthesiawhich involves seeing colors, tasting flavors, and feeling smells during orgasm. Much like sex-related hearing loss, there has been virtually no research into the causes, but sexuality researchers Nicole Prause puts forward a hypothesis: describing how “changes in the brain state appear to occur to allow the experience of orgasm to occur before orgasm actually occurs.” In this state, the brain can lose control of sensory areas, preventing us from filtering visual signals and other stimuli.
Hmmm, I guess I could believe that. But let’s dig a little deeper into the connection between sex and hearing loss, shall we?
What the science says about gender-related deafness
Aside from the lack of research, ENT surgeon Dr. Eric Levi has some theories He wonders what causes some people to become partially deaf after orgasm. The first hypothesis, he says, may be related to the “sudden decrease in heart rate” that follows orgasm, contributing to “sudden changes in pressure in the middle ear and reduced blood flow to the inner ear.” His second hypothesis concerns the specific parts of the brain that are directly affected as orgasm approaches.
“…the change in temporal lobe activity after orgasm leads to a change in auditory perception,” he says, explaining how the temporal lobe, which is responsible for hearing and other sensory associations, “turns off” at this stage of arousal. “This can cause some people to experience a change in their threshold for tinnitus perception,” he explains, adding that “the release of chemical endorphins can also change the activities of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to a change in sensory perception.”
When asked if he could prove his hypotheses, Levi replied“To prove both of these hypotheses, I would need to do immediate hearing tests with and without a comparable stimulus after orgasm. I would also need to do angiographic vascular studies of the middle and inner ear vessels, barometric pressure studies of the middle ear, functional MRI and PET scan studies of the brain, and serum studies of hormone levels in the blood before, during, and just after orgasm. You can imagine how difficult this would be. Suffice it to say that I am happy to infer the association between hearing loss and tinnitus with orgasm based on first principles of physiology.”
Writer and satirist Robert Cormack It gives a different twist(which I must admit I find amusing and somewhat convincing):
“Since sex doesn’t usually require hearing (I’m talking physiologically), blood vessels constrict, allowing blood to rush to areas like the vagina or muscles. The more intense the orgasm, the more blood you need to go to those areas. That’s away from your ears, obviously, and the blood that’s left tends to pool in your prefrontal cortex. That’s the center of thought, already trying to decide what you’re doing. After sex (food, walking the dog, telling your kids not to scream for no reason).
What to do if this happens to you
Most people who experience temporary hearing loss after sex have to deal with 5 to 10 minutes of silence and/or ringing. While some enjoy the experience, seeing it as a temporary indicator of good sex (I’m not saying the quality of the sex has anything to do with it), others find it alarming or even disturbing. While most seem to agree that temporary hearing loss and tinnitus associated with sex are nothing to worry about, always listen to your gut: If the hearing loss is prolonged, painful, or sets off alarm bells, there’s no reason not to see a doctor to make sure there’s nothing else wrong with your inner ear.
Personally, I strongly believe in the connection between emotional intuition and health, so never ignore that inner voice.
And for all those not concerned about hearing loss after sex: I sincerely hope this Eastactually an accurate measure of the mind-blowing grandeur of your session. Get it.