Knowledge Dissemination

Has anyone used the Kisstoy wearable egg and clit sucker?


Me and the gf were wanting to get her an app controlled toy. Came across it on honeysx. I know most of the apps suck not really worried about that part, but she was wanting a wearable one that way she wouldn’t have to worry about it falling out of place while walking around. We have the Tracy’s dog OG 2 which we love and was a huge game changer for her. Although it does have a nice remote for the bedroom it’s so heavy and according to her it doesn’t stay in place correctly. The other hang up on the leave in app controlled ones are the lack of clit suckers which is pretty much a must for her. We’re also both just getting into the sex toy world so we’re not too knowledgeable on different brands and stuff what works decent and what is a waste of money. Thanks in advance.

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