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Gimp Masks 101 – Useful Buyer Tips and Product Reviews

Gimp Masks 101 - Useful Buyer Tips and Product Reviews

This isn’t Halloween, this is bondage time!

Yes, today we are going to cover the basics of gimps masks, also known as bondage hoods.

  • If you find yourself browsing this page, and you are an experienced BDSM enthusiast, you can click here to skip the review if you wish.
  • If you’re new to the subject and need a 101 education, keep reading!
  • If you don’t know how you got here, you probably clicked on something accidentally while reading a Quentin Tarantino movie review or searching for a photo editing tutorial.

What are GIMP masks?

In the BDSM world, the word “gimp” refers to The two sides agreed Think of yourself as a sex toy rather than a sex partner.

They wear a full-body fitted suit, usually consisting of A mask that covers the face and head.

What designs are there?

We can divide them into two categories: Featureless mask or Animal style. Going beyond these two groups depends on the style and purpose of the game.

The general idea is to control, depersonalize, and sexually objectify someone; however, you can also add other elements, such as:

  • Sensory deprivation
  • get lost
  • role play
  • Breathing Game

How do you wear them?

Softer materials like rubber, latex, spandex, and darlexx have enough “stretch” to allow you to wear them comfortably. However, leather and PVC need to have adjustable straps or be tailored to the wearer if you want a snug fit.

please remember Most masks are one size fits all Suitable “Most” type of transactions. Or they may specifically ask you for head measurements (like for a good hat). Also, pay attention to whether the eyes, mouth, and nostrils are aligned correctly.

Mask accessories

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have cycle Whatever bondage you want to do.

Shoulder Straps and Buckle It can be used for functional purposes or just for aesthetic purposes.

Some have Eye or mouth flaps (or zipper holes) to switch between sensory deprivation and more freedom.

After that Stuffing, animal hair, breathing holes, spikes, padlocks, creative stitching, funnel holes and plugs, gas mask accessoriessOr anything else your wacky mind can come up with.

The problem with masks

The first thing to consider is the material. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, latex can tear easily, and some people are allergic to latex. Leather, while durable, is much more expensive.

The biggest problem (and danger) is that Anything that impedes breathing Therefore, it increases Death by suffocation (This refers to masks that cover the mouth and do not have proper breathing holes).

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Even if it’s consensual (and the Dominant is very “experienced”), there are always risks. Perverts need to be educated and prepared to participate in any type of play.

It goes without saying that newbies shouldn’t play with anything that covers their mouth.

I recommend using something that doesn’t cover your mouth or eyes.

Cleaning and care

Each material has its own cleaning rules. Some require only mild soap and warm water. Others require special cleaning oils, etc.

Please check the seller, manufacturer or packaging instructions for instructions on how to keep your bondage mask in good condition.

If you need leather care tips and tricks, read these:

20+ Tips for Cleaning Leather – Keep Your BDSM Gear Shining

GIMP Mask Review

Bad Cat Hood ($30)

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This one is perfect for beginners because the spandex material is comfortable to wear and very easy to wash. It also has mouth and eye openings so you don’t have to worry about breathing or tripping.

This one is a bit pricey, but you can find it cheaper.

Level — Beginner, Recommended — 4, Lame — 1, (Relationship

Perforated latex hood

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At first glance, it looks a bit like a bug – not good, not bad, but buggy. Since it’s made of latex, you have to be careful when putting it on and taking it off to avoid tearing it.

Also, upon closer inspection, there appear to be no holes for the mouth or nose. Instead, the piercings are on either side of the mouth. This would make breathing a lot harder. It’s not the best hood I’ve seen, but it’s not bad either.

Level — Intermediate or above, Recommended — 2, Lame — 4, Relationship

Super abnormal block ($90)

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It’s not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.

The extra padding helps eliminate sensory barriers better, while the back binding (and corset-like weave) make it a great fit for just about anyone.

I’d love to get my hands on one to see how the stitching actually works and how durable it is (at this price, it better take a beating and not fall apart).

Not sure if the tiny breathing holes will be enough.

Level — Advanced+, Recommended — 3, Lame — 5, Relationship

Horror Bunny ($72)

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They advertise this mask as a Halloween mask, but I can totally see it being used for kink (you know that’s what people probably buy it for.) It seems to have been made with anatomy, comfort, and aesthetics in mind (which is weird, but fresh compared to some of the crap you see on

It’s also one of the few I’ve seen that doesn’t use traditional materials — it uses stretch acetate, canvas, lace, etc. Unlike the mass-produced but overpriced items you’ll find in online stores, I wouldn’t mind paying that much for a quality, custom piece.

Level — Beginner, Recommended — 5, Lame — 4, Relationship

Black Madman ($18)

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Can Halloween accessories or non-kink versions of gimp masks be used in BDSM? Yes.

Can this mask be used for BDSM? Of course not.

This is a great example of what not to buy – there’s no mention of size or material (looks like crappy TPE), and while the concept is cool, anything decent will cost you upwards of $18.

Don’t waste your money.

Level – Clothing, Recommended – 1, Lame – 3, Relationship

AVA Clothing Hood ($45)

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OK. Amazon finally stopped annoying me. Sure, it’s not the best hood I’ve ever seen, but it’s not That So bad that I’ll tear it to shreds in a review. Latex isn’t cheap, so the price doesn’t surprise me.

The only thing that worries me is the mouth and whether air can get through (since the nostrils are small).

They get bonus points for their wide selection of colors and measurement references so you can get the right fit.

  • Some people complain that muzzles are too long – that’s what scissors are for.

Level — Advanced, Recommended — 3, Lame — 5, Relationship

EXLATEX Rubber Hood ($27)

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You might think this is an affordable gimp mask option, but when you read the reviews, you’ll notice that the holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth don’t line up with your body.

If it was just one section that wasn’t aligned properly, that would be fine, but no amount of creative cutting could fix the misalignment in so many places.

This was a fairly easy mask to make, but ultimately a failure.

Level – Beginner, Recommended – 1, Limp – 4, Relationship

Universal lens hood ($75)

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I may not like the look of this mask (no muzzle), but I like the concept. Grouping many play options together to increase value is a plus in my book.

You can change it from a simple gimp mask to a puppy mask with a muzzle and ears.

Level — Intermediate or above, Recommended — 4, Lame — 5, Relationship

FETTERS Strap Face Cage ($290)

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I like this. It may not be the Hell Raiser, but it’s a little bit of a Hell Raiser. The attachment options for the eye patch and accessories are great – considering it’s a second generation mask (supposedly with some design flaws fixed), you get a lot of bang for your buck.

For those who cringe at the price, think of it as luxurious mask.

Level — Intermediate or above, Recommended — 4, Lame — 5, Relationship

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Also, if you liked this article, you might like these:

Have you found any good gimp masks? Maybe some bad ones we should avoid? Share them in the comments!

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