Brian Sloan, an American sex toy merchant and inventor of many toys, recently visited a large sex toy factory in Dongguan and was shocked by the productivity of the workers.
Brian Sloan is in the workshop of the sex toy factory. Countless molds are arranged in a spectacular manner (Photo source: Brian Sloan).
Brian Sloan, CEO of US sex toy company Autoblow, negotiates OEM production cooperation for a series of new products at a sex toy factory in Dongguan, China.
He shared his experience on social media. In the photos he took, the product molds were neatly arranged and very spectacular, with pouring holes on both sides of the molds.
“I saw these half-finished sex toys in the showroom of a Chinese sex toy factory last week.” He wrote in an article that these silicone toys have labia on one side and human private parts on the other.

Silicone sex toys stacked in a factory (Image: Brian Sloan)
Brian told reporters: “The interesting thing I saw at the factory was the large number of sex dolls that were being removed from the molds and sent to the finishing department.
“Workers in the detail cutting department use hot irons to smooth out minor imperfections in the corners of the abrasive tools, then place the semi-finished products on the shelves in an orderly manner.”
“The Taiwanese engineer from our company who accompanied me this time was also shocked when he entered the room.”

A combination of ‘foot sex toys’, ‘vagina’ and ‘ankles’ in a factory (Image: Brian Sloan)
He added: “They are silicone sex toys with silicone feet with imitation private parts on the bottom.”
They are called “vajankles,” a combination of “vaginal private parts” and “ankle feet.” The factory rushes to deliver a large order.
Compared to artificial intelligence, often featured in the media, and even smart sex products that use mechanical torso movements, these toys seem very rudimentary.
Brian said: “I am a strong advocate (and practitioner) of artificial intelligence in sex toys, such as syncing with lovemaking action movie videos and mimicking human behavior.

Dongguan sex doll factory is full of various semi-finished toys (Photo credit: Brian Sloan)
Brian said the factory where he works is currently producing a simulated toy that uses batteries, so that when the user uses it, it swings regularly according to the rhythm.
Brian believes that most current users will not buy large sex dolls that are the same size as human beings because it is very difficult to store and dispose of them once they are discarded. The media often reports absurd stories about citizens and police mistaking abandoned sex dolls for corpses.
“Most users are more interested in small, sophisticated sex toys,” he said.
Bryan added: “The sex toy industry is going to grow rapidly and I think most sex toys will remain affordable and low-tech for the foreseeable future.”
Reference: Sex dolls crammed into Chinese factory