With any disease or condition, there is the potential for imbalance in any part of our body’s system. This could include our libido. So what is the relationship between libido and diabetes, especially in women? Let’s take a closer look.
Sex and Diabetes – The Question
- Urinary tract infection – This is caused by an infection in the tube from the kidneys to the bladder (urethra) (due to high blood sugar levels). Infections in the lower part of the urethra are called cystitis. They cause pain in the lower abdomen and burning/pain when urinating. This is made worse by the need to go to the toilet more frequently due to the infection.
- thrush – Most women have heard of yeast infections. Whether you have diabetes or not, yeast infections can be incredibly uncomfortable. They can cause stinging when you urinate, vaginal itching and pain, and a watery, cottage cheese-like discharge. Thrush infections can sometimes develop when blood sugar levels get too high. These aren’t STDs, but they can be spread during sex (although anyone who’s had a yeast infection knows that sex is the last thing on their mind).
- Vaginal dryness – This can be one of the main reasons for pain during sex. But this one has one of the simplest solutions. You just need to invest in a good water-based lubricant. If you don’t plan on using any sex toys and you don’t mind getting oil stains on your sheets, then use a silicone lubricant. Silicone does last longer, but water-based lubricants are easier to clean.
- Fewer body sensations – Long-term exposure to high levels can cause nerve damage, sometimes resulting in a decreased response to touch in the area around the vagina.
- Insulin Pump – Some people may wear an insulin pump during sex, but the website says it’s safe to wait 1 hour between sex – but check with your doctor first!
- drug – Some medications have the natural side effect of reducing libido. Frankly, there are more medications on the market that do this than you think.
- Level down – As anyone with diabetes knows, a drop in blood sugar levels is no joke. When they’re trying to be romantic, it can often put a damper on things.
- Other conditions – Diabetes can lead to other health problems, such as blindness or kidney failure. All of these bring their own problems and stresses that put a stop to most bedroom plans.
- Mindset Effect – With all these issues, it’s no surprise that people’s sex lives suffer. It’s not just the illness that takes its toll, it’s the mind that suffers too. Stress and anxiety, feeling uncomfortable with one’s body, isolation, loneliness, feeling scary or uncomfortable all around. Even perfectly healthy people can find that stress stops them from orgasming.
manage Sex and diabetes
- Stop smoking – You’ll hear any doctor recommend this. And for good reason. Nicotine increases blood sugar levels and makes it harder to control blood sugar.
- Diet and exercise – These are great for overall health and self-esteem.
- relieve pressure – Practice mindfulness, deep breathing, or any other technique that helps reduce anxiety. You can even read a book in a quiet room if that works for you.
- See a doctor – Ignoring a visit with your doctor is not an option. They can monitor your condition, change medications, and provide better advice than any website.
- Kegels – Women should do these exercises regardless of their health. Not only will they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but they will also help you have better orgasms or orgasm more easily because you are making these muscles stronger.
- Talk to your companions – Communication is always key. Talk about your emotions and how your body feels. Tell your partner how they can help you when you’re feeling down, and how they can use your senses to “tap into” you when you’re feeling high or horny. And, if you have trouble talking about things, there’s no shame in seeing a therapist or someone who specializes in what you’re going through (yes, even sex and diabetes).

- Make time for sex or a relationship – This can be a double-edged sword. Sex time can feel stressful and put a damper on all activity. But remember, sex doesn’t have to be about having sex. You can give each other a massage. Watch a sexy movie together or listen to a sexy audiobook. Even, just take a moment to tell each other all the things you love about them.
- Not always penetration – A great way to relieve stress is to remember that actual intercourse doesn’t have to happen during sex (you don’t even have to orgasm). It can be kissing, touching, or anything that gets the blood boiling. Even if you’re still dry, but your heart is dripping, you feel connected to your lover, and that’s a win for anyone!
in conclusion
Society puts a lot of pressure on couples (or people in general) to be sexually active. This can be difficult when someone has a medical condition but is told they “can live a completely normal life.” This is easy to tell if the person doesn’t have both a yeast and bladder infection.
But with today’s advances in medicine and technology, that level of control is entirely possible…and the same goes for intimacy and sex. You just have to change your mindset a little bit and see how bed shenanigans work.