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Faithful Bodega Guy plays the recorded client on Tiktok

Faithful Bodega Guy plays the recorded client on Tiktok

This Bodega guy not only wants to sell tea, but also sprinkle tea.

East Villager Alyssa Brewer was promoting the latest news on Tiktok this week about her escape from local Bodega employees, who brought him into the store with other women.

The blonde beauty posted a video of Numan Hauter in Tiktok’s video, working at Stuyvesant Gourmet Deli on 14th Street and A Avenue, showing her the video of the man he appeared in the store with another girl.

“Whenever he walked in with another girl, Numan was on his face, pasting him on a recording and sending it to me. It was so funny,” Brewer, 24, told The Post.

“When I came here to tell him I was driving a frenzy, he was like, ‘I’m famous!’ There were other Bodega guys who heard me and said, “People came here and said, “We saw Tiktok.”

Charleston’s SC native captioned the clip (now with over 13 million views): “My Bodega guy is so loyal that he started documenting any time my old situation appeared with another girl.”

The post is close to 6,000 comments, many of which are from New Yorkers who love to see the friendship between the two.

One person wrote: “A person who has never lived in New York will never understand the key and divine connection to your Bodega people.”

Another added: “There is no greater bond than the girl and her favorite bodega guy.”

“That’s not a bodega guy, that’s a family,” the others poured out.

The official Tiktok page for 7-11 even noticed and commented: “Brb. Update our store policy now.”

Alyssa Brewer stopped at Stuyvesant Gourmet Deli on most Friday and Saturday nights and ordered the chopped cheese. JC Rice

Brewer said her ex was “in a casual enough to have no boyfriend, girlfriend champion” knowing he was shot by Hauter but was not popular about it.

She said: “He was like, ‘It’s so funny that he’s loyal to you.’

A mutual friend lives in East Village with a 25-year-old boy who had their first date and realized they both frequented the deli.

They all met Hauter, who dated people in his twenties after party night because his shift began at midnight.

“But he knows me better,” Brewer added.

“We have such a close connection,” Brewer said. Courtesy of Alyssa Brewer

On the second date, the two stopped to say hello to the deli.

“Numan certainly thought it was more serious, just because I came in with a boy, which I had never done before,” she said.

Her relationship eventually “decayed each other” in just a few weeks later – but Hauter is still around her, keeping Brewer in line with any new woman in his life.

“I never asked him to do that, and that’s why it’s so interesting,” Brewer said.

“He did it just out of loyalty and our friendship. We have such a close connection.”

Due to the video, South Carolina natives were asked for a date. JC Rice

Other websites, like New Yorker, have also shared a repost of Brewer’s video – receiving nearly half a million views – following the online blast, Brewer received a text from her brief date partner and said, “Congratulations on the airing of the virus.”

“He was shocked by its spreading craziness, but I deliberately didn’t show his face so no one could tell who it was,” she noted.

Brewer, a sales executive at a biotech company, was also overwhelmed by news about the man.

“There are a lot of dates from this, and I’ve been asked about it,” she said.

One memorable message she received was “I will be your new situation.”

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