Adult Topic Blogs

Carry Your Sexual Sobriety Plan With You

Working Step 5 - Sex and Relationship Healing

All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

The path of recovery has many twists. It is wise to carry a map.

Sexual sobriety plans are created for three primary reasons:

  1. To help us understand the nature of our addiction and to define our personal version of sexually. addictive behaviors (inner circle/boundary)
  2. To help us identify ‘slippery’ areas to watch out for (middle circle/boundary).
  3. To provide us with guidance when we are triggered and unsure about what to do next (outer circle/boundary).

Knowing this, many of us choose to carry printed or digitized versions of our sexual sobriety plan at all times. That way, when we are triggered, we can look at our inner circle/boundary to see which behaviors are prohibited, our middle circle/boundary to see where we are being slippery, and our outer circle/boundary for a handy list of healthy alternative behaviors.

Task for Today
Create a portable version of your sexual sobriety plan and carry it with you. Refer to it at least three times.

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