Adult Topic Blogs

Blaming him for his problem

Blaming him for his problem

All daily inspiration can be found in the book “Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Sex and Porn Addiction”. Used with permission from the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.

Ultimately, I am the only one who is responsible for my success or failure.

A long-time sex addict often jokes, “I didn’t have sexual recovery to heal or change my behavior. I just wanted to know who I should blame.” In fact, blaming others is an important part of the denial of most sex and porn addicts. Instead of accepting that we might have a serious problem, we ignore complaints and attempted interventions, we blame others for na, being cautious, trying to kill us, not understanding us and asking us too many people. We do this not because we really don’t care about other people’s thoughts and feelings, but because we “need” to protect our addiction.

Today’s mission
Stop blaming others for their addiction and start taking responsibility.

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