Knowledge Dissemination

Bellesa toys


Hey everyone I’m not sure what flare to use but this one made the most sense, I’ve had my Bellesa Diosa Soft-Touch for about 4 months now? And it’s like broken to shit. Like I’m not sure what’s going on inside but the clit stimulation part is the only part that vibrates now. The larger penetrative part doesn’t vibrate at all now, and there’s a weird sound like it’s attempting to lmao. It sucks so bad because this was the first time I treated myself to a sex toy. I’ve sent them 2 request emails but haven’t heard back at all. I don’t even think they’ll do anything about it so I’m just stuck with a barely working vibrator. Do any of you know if like they’d be able to send me a replacement? I doubt it at this point, I’m just pretty sad about it tbh.

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