All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.
I was surprised to find that since I got sober, many of my problems—most of which I thought had nothing to do with my addiction—became more manageable or simply disappeared.
As sex and porn addicts, we are generally aware of the problems our addiction has caused in our relationships and even our physical health (STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.). But what we often don’t understand is that our addictions wreak havoc on our relationships. all every aspect of our lives. Our lack of focus at work results in us being underemployed or fired. We no longer maintain our yards and homes, which upsets our families and neighbors. We stop going to the gym and become flabby. Our significant other, our children, and our friends feel neglected because we don’t pay attention to them. Basically, we are so interested in sexual compulsions that we forget to live. Because we are not focused on our lives, our lives diminish and decline.
today’s task
Identify three non-sexual and non-romantic consequences you suffer from addiction. Share these consequences with your therapist or in a 12-step meeting.